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Ada's football team moves from Region 20 to 22 in Division VI makeup

Ada High School, as a Division VI football team, has moved from Region 20 to Region 22 in this year’s Ohio High School Athletic football playoff makeup.

The Bulldogs are one of 15 Ohio schools who have changed regions. The only other school close to Ada making a Division VI change is Riverdale, who also moved from Region 20 to 22.

Click here to see the entire list of all Division VI schools by region.


Eat your shredded wheat

Ada is surrounded by shredded wheat, but not the kind you eat for breakast. It just looks like that. According to Mark Badertscher of the Hardin County Extention Office, those are large round bales of wheat straw. They are used for livestock bedding. In some cases, straw is sold for use as a landscape mulch for highway projects or when seeding lawns. Other uses could be mulch for fruit and vegetable production or gardens. These bales are on State Route 81 northwest of Ada.

July 14-27 Ada police call logs

Michael Harnishfeger, Ada police chief, provided The Icon with the Ada police call logs covering July 14 to July 27. They are provided in the attachments at the bottom of this story.

Weather summary: It wasn't your normal July

It wasn’t your normal Bluffton July.

While the normal average July temperature is 72.8 degrees, this year’s average temperature was a cool 68.7 degrees.

July 2014 precipitation totaled 2.99 inches with the normal July average precipitation at 3.85 inches.

The high reading of the month was 88 on July 22 and the low was 48 on July 29. The accompanying chart lists the daily weather summaries, provided by Guy Verhoff, Pandora weather observer.

Ada Barnyard Farmers will have petting zoo at F&M Picnic

By Caralee Stover

The Ada Barnyard Farmers 4-H Club met on Sunday, July 13, at 3 pm. The meeting was called to order by President Alexis Amburgey. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Melia Santillanez and the 4-H Pledge was led by Hope Hazelton. Roll call was done by Secretary Shelby Hazelton, there were 22 members present.

Minutes of the previous meeting were read by Secretary Shelby Hazelton. The Treasurer’s report was given by Treasurer Brice Ferguson. Health and Safety Officer Hope Hazelton gave a report. Committee reports were given by President Alexis Amburgey.

Ada Kwanis members create "Smile Packs" for Uganda youths

Members of the Ada Kiwanis recently assembled back-to-school and hygiene bags for the Children of Nations Smile Pack drive for Uganda Africa.

David MacDonald is the project coordinator.

The school packs holds a variety of items including:

• composition books
• Math Kit (ruler, protractor, compass)
• package of colored pencils
• pencil box filled with the following items:
• blue/black pens
• pencils
• pencil sharpener
• glue sticks
• pink eraser
• pair of safety scissors

The hygiene packs include:
