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Ada's latest news

Meet Sandy's family

Several family members of Sandy Neely surprised her by attending the Nov. 2 Ada Town and  Gown banquet. (They must have been tipped off in advance.) Neely was named the 2015 Ada distinguished citizen of the year.

From left, Chris Neely, Jennifer Herndon (holding Neely Jo Herndon), Sandy Neely, Seth Neely and Bruce Neely.

Front from left, Jasper Herndon, David Neely and Matthew Neely.

This giant yellow guy loves to pick up leaves

Story and photo by Monty Siekerman

The giant yellow leaf picker-upper (named Frod, no not Ford or Fred, but Frod,) is at work on Christopher Circle on Thursday. 

Here's the schedule in a nutshell:

• Northwest - District A
Mondays pickup dates: Nov. 2, 9, 16, 30

• Northeast - District B
Tuesdays pickup dates: Nov. 3, 10, 17, Dec. 1

• Southeast - District C
Wednesdays pickup dates: Nov. 4, 11,18, Dec. 2

• Southwest - District D
Thursdays pickup dates: Nov. 5, 12, 19, Dec. 3
There will be no leaf pickup on Nov. 23, 24, 25, 26 and 27.

The word is "mum"

It's November but it feels like spring in downtown Ada. Those yellow mums in the depot park certainly help give us a cheerful feeling. 

Hey, look everyone! I'm on the Ada honor roll!

That's correct. There's a good chance that an Ada student who know is on the first honor roll of the 2105-16 school year.

Attachments at the bottom of this story lists honor roll students by:
• Elementary 
• Junior High
• High School

Weather report for September and October

By Monty Siekerman

The September and October rainfall this year was about average, but each month had an extended period of time with little or no rain--a dry spell of 17 days in September and another minidrought of 23 days in October.

According to local weather observer Phil Epley, Ada saw 2 inches of rain in September and 3 inches in October. This amount of 5 inches is only a quarter of an inch less than the historic average for the two-month period, according to Intellicast.

November begins dry and warm. Historic low and high temps for September are 28 in 1974 and 100 in 1953; for October, 18 in 1964 and 91 in 1953.

New Leaf Christmas open house Saturday, Nov. 14

New Leaf Landscape and Garden Center, 0395 State Route 235 (north of Ada), will hold its Christmas open house from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Saturday, Nov. 14.

The open house includes many special sale items plus an opportunity to sign up to win one of four $25 gift certificates.

For Christmas, in addition to its regularly-stocked items, New Leaf offers:
• Country and rustic decorations
• Snowmen
• Santas
• Angels
• Artificial trees
• Chocolate luster candy
• Greenery
• Cemetery saddles and wreaths
