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Iconic Bakery: The World's Best Chicken

The World's Best Chicken
Provided b Kristen Howard, mother of Lily and William
From "Kitchen Classics" cookbook from the Bluffton Child Development Center

4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
1/2 c. Dijon mustard
1/4 c. maple syrup
1 Tbsp. red wine vinegar
Salt and pepper

Preheat oven to 425 degrees. In a small bowl mix mustard, syrup and vinegar.

Place chicken breast into 9 by 13-inch baking dish. Season with salt and pepper. Pour mustard mixture over chicken, covering each piece.

Bake for 30-40 minutes. Season with chopped rosemary.

Ada FFA - 45 wheat seasons ago

Here are Ada High School's Future Farmers of America during the1970-71 school year.

Time to play

A student at the Ohio Northern University Preschool has a good time during playtime recently.

ONU prof entrepreneurial lead with National Science Foundation

Dr. Feng Jao, Ohio Northern University associate professor of technology, is serving as entrepreneurial lead on a National Science Foundation (NSF) Innovation Corps (I-Corps) Teams project under a $50,000 grant received by Old Dominion University Research Foundation.

Jao will oversee “I-Corps L: Transforming an Innovative Embedded Design Educational Training System into a Commercially Available Product.” ONU’s portion of the grant is $6,000, which will cover Jao’s effort on the project. The additional grant money covers travel expenses related to the project. Jao previously worked with the Old Dominion team as a consultant.

Hardin Leadership 2015 graduation held Nov. 19

Twenty Hardin Leadership participants will be recognized for completing the nine-session program on Thursday, Nov. 19 at the Plaza Inn Restaurant, 491 S. Main St., Mt. Victory.  

Gathering begins at 5:30 p.m. with dinner buffet beginning at 6 p.m. Representing the class with the “Class Reflections” will be Merleen Barnes of Kenton. The annual meeting for Hardin Leadership Inc. will take place following the graduation so former graduates are encouraged to attend.

Twice Ten Art Club launches 2015-16 program year

The Twice Ten Art Club reconvened for the kickoff of its 2015-2016 program year on Oct. 8.

Gail Gillham hosted and Darlene Johnston gave a presentation on Slam Poetry. Members then wrote and presented some amazing poems.

The Twice Ten Art Club is a women’s organization that was founded in 1902 and meets once a month to discuss, learn about, and appreciate the arts. Every year, Twice Ten offers two scholarships to students majoring in art, music, literature/writing or theater in college. 
