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Ada's latest news

It's all in the wrist

The Crochet Club met at the Ada Public Library on Wednesday evening.

Here, Connie Crouse (left) crochets while Cathy Heckart knits. The club meets regularly at the library, no dues, no officers, very informal, all are welcome.

The group numbers from 2 to 12 to quilt, cross stitch, crochet, and knit items from the size of baby boots to bed coverings. Sometimes one member teaches another in the various ways to produce items from material.

The club has been meeting at the library for three years. (Monty Siekerman photo)

Yep, reading is part of Valentine's Day

Flowers, chocolate, and stuffed animals are all part of Valentine's. So is reading. Here, Isabella Mancuso, an 8th grader, displays some Valentine's books available at the library. Check out the holiday reading material the next time you are there. (Monty Siekerman photo)

Sheep Improvement Assn. accepting candidates for Lamb and Wool queen

The Hardin County Sheep Improvement Association will hold their annual Lamb Banquet on Saturday, March 5, at St. John’s United Church of Christ, Kenton, at 6:30 pm.  Tickets for the banquet can be obtained from the Extension office at 1021 W. Lima Street, Suite 103, Kenton.  Adult tickets are $15, Children $7, and 2015 Hardin County Junior Fair Sheep Exhibitors FREE with a reservation given at 419-674-2297 by Feb. 29.

ONU Gospel Ensemble performs Sunday at Sugar Grove UMC

The Ohio Northern University Gospel Ensemble will provide their message through music Sunday, Feb. 7, at Sugar Grove United Methodist Church during the 10:30 a.m. worship service.   

A soup and sandwich luncheon will follow the worship service. The community is invited.

The ONU Gospel Ensemble sings contemporary gospel music, often sung a cappella in the African-American gospel music tradition. 

The primary purpose of the ensemble is to spread the Word of God through song.  Their motto is “Winning souls to Christ with a melody!”   

The ensemble is directed by Adriane Thompson Bradshaw, ONU’s Vice President for Student Affairs.

Hardin County Sharpshooters H-4 sign-up Feb. 10

4-H sign up night for the Hardin County Sharpshooters will be held Wednesday, Feb 10, at Hog Creek Game Club from 6:30-8 p.m.

Ages 9-18 are eligible to join. The group is half full so hurry if you want to join. If you have any questions check out the club's website or contact Kathleen Anspaugh at 419/302-2344 or [email protected]

ONU students to help with tax preparation

Taxpayers in Hardin and surrounding counties can find free income tax assistance from Ohio Northern University business students through Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA).

The VITA Program offers free tax help to low- to moderate-income (generally $54,000 and below) individuals across the country who cannot prepare tax returns on their own.

As part of this program, ONU students receive training and become IRS-certified to help prepare basic and intermediate tax returns and identify special credits, such as the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), Child Tax Credit and Credit for the Elderly.
