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Ada's latest news

Anne of Green Gables musical at Freed Center

Tickets for the Anne of Green Gables musical at the Freed Center for the Performing Arts have been as scarce as hen's teeth. However, the box office has urged ticket holders to submit any that would not be used, so a few seats may still be found. Performances run through Sunday, March 5. Phone 419-772-1900. PHOTO Ohio Northern University.

March 3 warning of flooding on county roadways

Approx. 9:00 p.m. March 3 Road Conditions Announcement by Hardin County Sheriff:

Due to the continued rainfall across the area, our office is getting several calls about spots of high water across roadways.

All of the 'High Water' signs available in the county have been placed on roadways at this time.

We would like to remind motorists that attempting to cross roadways with water across it is extremely dangerous and should not be attempted. As night falls, water across the roadways is more difficult to see, thus motorists should allow extra time to be able to make it to their destinations safely.

Remember: Turn Around- Don't Drown!

Hardin SWCD Pond Fish Sale

The Hardin Soil and Water Conservation District is taking orders for its annual pond fish sale. The following fingerling species are available:  Largemouth Bass; Bluegill; Hybrid Bluegill; Channel Catfish; White Amur; Redear Sunfish; Fathead Minnows.  Please note that the fish are sold individually.

The deadline for orders is 4:00 p.m., Friday, March 31, 2023.  All orders must be picked up at 2:30 p.m., on Thursday, April 6. Customers will need to provide enough containers to hold the purchased fish. Five-gallon buckets work well. Each container must have an unscented poly liner (trash bag) filled with one-third customer pond water to pick up the fish at the Hardin Soil and Water Conservation District Office.

If you have any questions regarding recommended stocking rate, or wish to place an order, please contact the Hardin SWCD office at 419-673-0456, Ext. 3, located at 12751 State Route 309W, Kenton, Ohio, or visit


Weekend Doctor: Common hockey injuries

By Ryan Ingley, AT, ATC*
Sports Medicine, Nationwide Children’s Hospital

Since hockey is a high-speed, collision sport, there can be opportunities for injury. For players, parents, and coaches alike, it is important to be aware of the most common injuries that can happen on the ice.

2023 Norada Lanes Golf Scramble date is May 6

Norada Lanes has announced registration information for the 2023 annual Golf Outing at Colonial Golfers Club, 10985 Harding Hwy, Harrod:

  • May 6
  • 9:00 a.m. start time 
  • 4 person scramble
  • $200/team

Prize money will be based on the number of entries. Event includes 50/50 drawings and raffle giveaways.

To sign up: call 419-634-8900 or use the Norada Lanes Facebook page to send a message.

Disney senior manager featured at social media workshop

ONU’s Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) chapter is hosting a one-day social media workshop on Friday, March, 24, 2023. The workshop will be from 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. at the university with breakfast provided.

This workshop for professionals and students will feature a keynote address by Steven Miller, senior manager for corporate social responsibility with Walt Disney World External Affairs. Learn how the Disney experience is woven into social media posts and how one of the iconic amusement parks creates engaging content. 
