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Ada students, educators and parents participate in Speak Up online survey

The Ada school students, educators and parents are participating in the online survey Speak Up this fall.

The purpose of the survey is to learn more about how students use technology in class and for homework. The survey also asks how students know more about how they are using technology to learn and how students would like teachers to use technology in classes.

Ada High School office seeks names of grads in the military

Ada High School is looking for graduates who are currently serving or have served in the military.

To recognize Ada High School graduates who have served or are currently serving in the military, the high school office asks that graduates or a family member call 419-634-2746 with the following information:
• Year of High School graduation,
• branch of military and
• when served.

One military picture would be appreciated too. Pictures and information can be brought to the high school office or emailed to [email protected]

Low temperature of the growing season reaches 33 degrees

The growing season has yet to end - it almost ended on Oct. 11 when the low temperature reached 33 degees. Here are the high temperatures, low temperatures and precipitation recorded in the past seven days.

Date High Low Rain
Oct. 9  61  38  0.00
Oct. 10  55  34  0.01
Oct. 11  60  33  0.00
Oct. 12  55  37  0.00
Oct. 13  67  35  0.14
Oct. 14  70  54  0.00
Oct. 15  56  45  0.00

Get your "Ada 4 Zac" sweatshirt; and charter bus ticket to the game Nov. 23

It’s Ada Day at Miami on Friday, Nov. 23. Miami plays Ball State in football and the game time is yet to be announced.

A charter roundtrip bus fare from Ada is $30. A minimum of 50 seats must be reserved and paid for by Nov. 5.

Reserved seats for the game are $10 each. Tickets are to be paid by credit card. For tickets contact Daniel Clark at 513-529-1743. Leave a voice message if no answer.

Zac Dysert hooded sweatshirts are available for fans going to the game or for any fan. The sweatshirts may be ordered at Community Health Professionals for $20 each. Orders must be received by Nov. 5. Call 419-634-7443 to order.

The secret's out: Reichert’s host to Ada’s “cash mob” on Oct. 16

The secret’s out. The Buy Ada First Committee, planning the community’s first-ever cash mob, this week announced the location of the event.

The cash mob takes place at one of Ada’s most prominent retail businesses, Reichert’s, 111-113 S. Main St., from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m., Tuesday, Oct. 16.

“Fred Reichert welcomed our invitation to host this first-ever event of its kind in Ada,” said Heather Cox, member of the committee. “We hope this will be the first of several more cash mobs held in Ada during the next 12 months.”

"Ashfall" author Mike Mullin speaks at Ada High School during Teen Read Week

 Author of the popular young adult book "Ashfall,"  Mike Mullin, will speak at Ada High School  on Tuesday, Oct. 16, during Teen Read Week.

According to Chanda Smith, high school media specialist, Mullin will speak in a high school assembly at 8:45 a.m. He will also visit with students in a high school science class.

Mullin wrote his first novel in elementary school and has been writing more or less non-stop ever since. "Ashfall" is his first published novel. He holds a black belt in Songahm Taekwondo. He lives in Indianapolis.

About Ashfall:
