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Regional news

What's for lunch? Here's the school menu

What's for lunch at the Ada schools in December? Here's the answer. Open the attachment at the bottom of this story for December's school menu.

Blanchard Valley Hospital adds new, more spacious MRI

Blanchard Valley Hospital has added a new MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) system with a design focused on patient comfort.

The new system, called the Siemens Open Bore Aera MRI, can accommodate larger patients, reduce claustrophobia and provide faster imaging than many traditional MRI units.

The new MRI system has a 70 cm open bore, which is the tube-like structure of the MRI machine where the patient lies during the imaging. This is much larger than traditional MRIs and can accommodate patients up to 550 pounds.

Ada's ReStore collection site for Hardin's Operation Sandy

ReStore Community Center, Ada, is now a collection site for Hardin County Operation Sandy.

The Hardin County Mayors met last Thursday evening  to launch an effort called Hardin County Operation Sandy to collect items and cash to assist the victims of Hurricane Sandy.   Many individuals are still in need of basic supplies and we intend to send or deliver a truckload of materials to the East Coast.

ReStore is working with ISOH/IMPACT of Waterville, to ensure that the goods we send are appropriate and needed.  ISOH/IMPACT specifically requested that NO blankets, sleeping bags, or bottled water be included in this drive.

Lots of holiday activities on Ada school December calendar

The holiday season arrived in Ada this week.  The Ada schools will host several holiday-related events this month.  Here's the schedule:

Senior Citizens Luncheon - noon, Wednesday Dec. 5. Call the school to make reservations.

4th/5th Grade Musical - 9:30 a.m. and 7 p.m., Thursday, Dec. 6th in the auditorium. Admission is free.

Holiday Concert - 7 p.m., Monday, Dec. 17 in the auditorium. Admission is free. 


BVHS BVHS Receives $6,000 grant from the Community Foundation

Blanchard Valley Health System has been awarded a grant of $6,000 from the Findlay-Hancock County Community Foundation to support an Advance Directives Summit for area businesses, civic groups, social service agencies and religious organizations.

The funds were made available from the Findlay Industries, Inc. Fund, The Schaefer Fund, OHM Corporation Fund and the Madeleine Thomas Schneider Fund.

Currently, fewer than 20 percent of patients admitted to Blanchard Valley Hospital and Bluffton Hospital have advance directives such as a health care power of attorney and/or a living will.

Red Cross blood drive scheduled

An American Red Cross blood drive is scheduled for Thursday, Dec. 6, from 11 a.m. until 5 p.m. at Ohio Northern University, 401 W. College St., Ada.  
