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Ada Lions Club annual mulch sale coming up

The Ada Lions Club will hold their annual mulch sale beginning on Satuday, April 20, according to Chad Hays of the Lions Club.

Proceeds from the sale go towards supporting a long running scholarship program. 

The sale will run until the first or second Saturday in June.  

ALICE Parent Information Meeting March 19

Ada schools will hold an ALICE Parent Informational Meeting at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 19, in the school cafeteria.

The Hardin County Sheriff's Department will present the ALICE (Alert, Lock down, Inform, Counter, Evacuate) school safety plan and its advantages to interested parents.

Weather report: What's that 61 and 63 doing in there?

What's that 63 and 61 doing in there? Here's the past week's high and low temperatures, plus precipitation and snowfall, according to Guy Verhoff, Icon weather observer.
                High   Low    Prec.    Snow
March 5      35     28     0.38     3.1
March 6      37     27     0.04     0.8
March 7      40     29                 trace
March 8      43     24
March 9      49     29
March 10    63     45
March 11    61     36     0.26

Toe nail clinic held once a month in Ada

Community Health Professionals will hold its monthly toe nail clinic on Wednesday, March 27 at 1 p.m.   Community Health Professionals is located at 1200 South Main Street.

The clinic is offered for a sliding fee donation.

Update! New murals almost finished in Ada Public Library

It has been two more weeks since we originally posted this story of the ongoing mural project at The Ada Public Library.  It's all still progressing nicely and you'll find NEW photos at the bottom of this story.  The flying books are inspired by the book "The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore." 

The Ada Public Library is adding bright and colorful new murals to its kids reading area, all courtesy of two generous and talented Ohio Northern University art professors.

Ada HS band "excellent" at District III event

The Ada High School Concert Band attended the Ohio Music Educators Association (OMEA) Band and Choir Competition on Friday, March 8 at Lima Senior High School.

The 38-member Ada band was rated "Excellent" by a board of judges for District III of the OMEA.

Ada's band competed in Class C, performing three selections in front of a panel of judges who offer written and verbal comments. Ada played "Valley Forge" by King, "Kentucky 1800" by Grundman, and "Spontaneous Combustion" by Sheldon.
