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Regional news

4.2 inches of snow fell on March 25

The area experienced 4.2 inches of snow on the spring day of March 25, according to Guy Verhoff, Icon weather observer. Here's the weather report for the past seven days.
Date           Max temp.  Min temp         Rain          Snow
March 19           35         24                  trace
March 20           33         19                  trace
March 21           32         16  
March 22           42         17
March 23           45          21
March 24           35          26                  trace       0.2
March 25           34          29                  0.38        4.2

Richland Manor's pie baking contest takes the cake

Richland Manor, 7400 Swaney Road, invites all pie bakers to enter its April pie baking contest. Three cash prizes will be awards.  Contest pie divisions follow:
• Berry pie
• Cream pie
• Miscellaneous pie

Winners in each division receive a $40 Visa gift card. The contest will take place at 6:30 p.m., Friday,  April18, and is open to the public. Persons wanting to submit pies to be judged must complete and submit an entry form by Saturday, April 12.

Entry forms may be faxed or e-mailed to:
[email protected]
Or, faxed to: 419-643-4702

Tuesday CECD workshop: Going Beyond Customer Service

The Community Economic Development Center (CEDC) at Ohio Northern University continues its entrepreneurship workshop series in the Dicke Forum on Tuesday, March 26. The workshop will be preceded by a networking event at 5:30 p.m. The workshop will follow the networking event and conclude at 7 p.m.

The topic of the workshop will be “The Norm Factor: Going Beyond Customer Service 101” with Marc Woodward. This event is free and open to the public.

Ada Community Improvement Corp. meeting first hearing for block grant


The Village of Ada stands to be the recipient of a grant of up to $500,000 for its anticipated wastewater treatment plant.

On March 20, Roberta Acosta, senior rural development specialist, Ohio Rural Community Assistant Program ( RCAP), addressed members of Ada’s Community Improvement Corp. (CIC), telling those attending about the grant.

If you want to receive your grade card, pay your class fees

Several news items are on the Ada school website. Here's a capsule of events:

REMINDER TO PAY SCHOOL FEES: In order to receive your grade card on Friday, March 22. Students who have unpaid fees will receive a blank grade card if fees are not paid in full.

SENIORS: The following local scholarship are due April , but with the Easter break, turn them all in first thing on Wednesday, April 3. The Alumni, AEA, Lions, Ada Local, Hawkins, Rotary and Kiwanis. They are all located on the Ada Schools website under Parents/Students and then Guidance Department.

Weather report: Just so March goes out like a lamb

All we hope is that March goes out like a lamb. Here's the past seven day weather report from The Icon weather observer.
Date          High    Low   Rain        Snow
March 12     36     30                       trace
March 13     33     25     0.01
March 14     42     21
March 15     47     28     0.07
March 16     40     31                        trace
March 17     32     27
March 18     40     27     0.17
