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Buy Local First Hardin County Spring Scavenger Hunt announced

The Hardin County Chamber & Business Alliance is partnering with 29 local businesses and sponsors to kick off a Buy Local First Hardin County Spring Scavenger Hunt.

The Scavenger Hunt will run from May 25 to June 3. The Buy Local First Hardin County campaign is a way to educate the community on the benefits of Buying Local.

This scavenger hunt is your opportunity to check out and support not only the businesses participating in the hunt, but also all the local businesses in Hardin County.

Weather summary: Will someone please turn up the thermostat!

Will someone please turn up the thermostat! These high and low temperatures feel more like April than May. Here's the past seven day weather summary from Guy Verhoff, Icon weather observer.
                   High    Low   Prec
May 7          74       52
May 8          78       54      0.01
May 9          81       53      0.07
May 10        70       53      0.33
May 11        57       38      0.04
May 12        56       36
May 13        58       34

There's a purse with $100 tucked away at Tuesday's auction/raffle

Several events are on the Ada Music Booster and school music organization’s calendars in the next few weeks.

May 14 jewelry and purse auction/raffle
The boosters will hold a jewelry and purse auction/raffle fundraiser at the Ada VFW Hall at 7 p.m. (doors open at 6:15 p.m.), Tuesday, May 14.

Over $1,500 of jewelry and $3,000 of purses will be auctioned off or raffled off. One of the purses has $100 cash inside. There is also a silent auction with products such as lia Sophia jewelry, Yankee Candles, Pampered Chef, handbags and similar items.

Hey, I know that tune!


It was music on the lawn Friday night in Ada. Richard Gainey took these photos of members of the ONU band performing outdoors.

Blanchard Valley Regional Cancer Center has new cancer treatment system

The Blanchard Valley Regional Cancer Center (BVRCC) has added new equipment to aide in the fight against cancer. The new cancer treatment system, called TrueBeam™, offers advanced radiation therapy for some of the most complex cancers.

The TrueBeam system is designed to deliver more powerful cancer treatments with accuracy and precision. In addition, the system integrates new imaging technologies to complete treatments more quickly while monitoring the motion of tumors.

ONU undergraduate commencement on May 12

Ohio Northern University will celebrate its 2013 Undergraduate Commencement Ceremony in the Sports Center on Sunday, May 12, at 2 p.m. in the Sports Center. About 550 students will be awarded degrees.

Robert Manning, Mars Exploration Program chief engineer at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, Calif., will address the graduating students as the guest speaker and receive an honorary degree from the University. Oscar J. and Judith D. (Jacobs) Mifsud also will receive honorary degrees.

Courtney Hetrick, graduating electrical engineering major from Frazeysburg, Ohio, will serve as the student speaker.
