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The Icon provides several weather links

The Icon is providing several weather-relate website links below:

CLICK HERE for The Weather Channel.

Watch Icon for weather updates and cancellations

Stay in touch with weather conditions over the next few days. The Icon will provide updates. Also The Icon invites any groups who have cancellations to announced to send the information to: [email protected].


• All Ada school athletic activities including elementary basketball for Sunday have been cancelled.


Weekend forecast calls for more snow and lower temperatures

• Low-Impact Winter Storm Sunday & Monday for AEP’s East Utilities
• Extreme Cold Wave Monday & Tuesday

AEP has issues a weather advisory, which affects the Icon viewing area. Here is the information provided by AEP. The map above relates to this information.

AEP meteorologists expect another low-impact winter storm will track through AEP’s East Utilities on Sunday followed by bitterly cold temperatures and gusty winds Monday.

The weatherman says 2013 was a pretty normal year

Considering weather conditions, 2013 had the feel of a “normal” year in Bluffton. The monthly totals provided by Guy Verhoff, Pandora weather observer for the Icon, confirm that.

Precipitation for 2013, at 41.13 inches falls in the not-too-little, not-too-much range, when compared to records back to from 2006.

Annual weather summaries from 2006 to 2013 are in an attachment at the bottom of this story.

Snowfall of 34.7 inches appears to compare to normal snowfall over the past eight years – 2006 being the exception with only 11.9 inches.

"100" a key element of Ada's top stories of 2013

The number 100 might well describe Ada’s top stories of 2013:

• 100-year-old Agnes Crates became Citizen of the Year,
•  the Ada Farmers and Merchants Picnic celebrated its 100th year,
•  the Lincoln Highway observed its 100th year.
• Zac Dysert, who plays on a 100-yard field, became a Denver Bronco.
   Stories and videos featuring Dysert attracted over 900 hits on the Icon.
• the Ada school levy passed by 100 + votes (actually 104 votes).

...and, here's Bluffton's top photos of 2013

The Ada Icon's sister website, Bluffton Icon, also posted its top photos of 2013. We thought Ada viewers might be interested in seeing what took place in Bluffton during 2013.

The Ada Icon's top photos are also posted on the Bluffton Icon. Bluffton's top photos are in an attachment at the bottom of this story.
