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Regional news

That's 8.5 inches of snowfall from Dec. 13 to 16

When it rains it pours and when it snows it really snows.

Guy Verhoff, Icon weather observer, reports that the snowfall of Saturday, Dec. 14, was 6.3 inches.

Add one-half inch of snow on the 13th and 1.7 inches on the 16th and suddenly we’ve accumulated 8.5 inches – not counting snowfall on Dec. 17.

To add to the wintry conditions, the low temperature of the month reached minus 2 on Dec. 12.

Open the attachment at the bottom of this story for the daily December weather summary.

Late-year tax moves take some of the bite out of tax time

The year is fast drawing to a close, but the Internal Revenue Service wants taxpayers to know that they still have time to take action for the 2013 tax year. The IRS offers eight year-end tax moves and three additional tips that will help make things a bit easier come tax return filing season early next year.

$6,000 in prizes in 2014 Bluffton Center for Entrepreneur Business Plan Competition

Bluffton Center for Entrepreneurs has announced prize money and seminar dates its 2014 Ropp Triplett Business Plan Competition.

First place prize is $5,000 in business start-up costs and a one-year BCE client program membership. Second place is $1,000 in start-up costs and a one-year BCE client program membership. Third place is a one-year BCE client program membership.


This is BCE’s fifth business plan competition and it recognizes the late Ropp Triplett, long-time Bluffton industrial leader and entrepreneur.

Ever hear of Ada, West Virginia? At 2,280 feet above sea level, its one of our sister communities

Bet you thought there was only one Ada in the world.

Think again.

There’s only one Ada, Ohio, but there may be as many as 15 communities carrying the name “Ada” sprinkled around the U.S. There’s also a handful of townships, counties and lakes called “Ada.”

And, there’s an Ada Township in Ghana, Africa.

Some of the Ada’s that we’ve discovered bear very little information, because they are smaller than our own Ada. The Ada cities larger than us, of course, have lots of information.

Library silent auction concludes on Saturday

Here's three important reminders from the Ada Public Library:

• There will be no storytime this week.

• The second annual Silent Auction runs through this Saturday - all proceeds go directly to the Library, helping to ensure free library programs for all ages in 2014 - stop by and put in a bid while you stay have the chance.

• Feet for Fines (your donations of new shoes, gloves, scarves, or socks, in lieu of fines $5 or less) also runs through this Saturday.Stop in and make a donation as all donations help youth in need in Hardin County.

Richland Manor Hope for Holidays raffle offers $650 in prizes; Ada's ReStore receives raffle proceeds

Richland Manor invites Icon viewers to participate in its Hope for the Holidays Christmas raffle. The raffle benefits the Ada ReStore Community Center.

The raffle is already underway and viewers have until 4 p.m., Friday, Dec. 20, to participate.
Here how the raffle works:

Tickets are available from any Richland Manor employee or at Richland Manor, 7400 Swaney Road, Bluffton.

First prize - $350 Visa gift card
Second prize - $150 Visa gift card
Third prize - $100 Visa gift card
Fourth prize - $50 Visa gift card
