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Hardin juvenile court awarded $800,000 grant

Funds to be used to increase the number of participants and enhance treatment opportunities for those participating in the court’s family drug treatment program

Hardin County Juvenile Court has been awarded $800,000 in federal grant funding through the U.S. Department of Justice’s Office of Justice Programs, with the funds to be used to increase the number of participants and enhance treatment opportunities for those participating in the court’s family drug treatment program.

The Family Treatment Court administered by the Hardin County Juvenile Court was one of the original 18 test court’s for medically assisted treatment when The Ohio Supreme Court ran its pilot program to test the viability of Treatment Court’s in 2015.

High voter turnout on Nov. 3

No surprise in presidential voting in Ada, township and county

Voting in Ada and Liberty Township was extremely high on Nov. 3, ranging from 65 to 83 percent of registered voters casting ballots.

It was no surprise that President Trump was the victor in Ada, the township and county, as Republicans outnumber Democrats. Here are totals from the Hardin board of election:

Presidential vote
Precinct                     Trump           Biden
Ada North                   503                  257      
Ada South                   459                  316      
Liberty Township        823                  199

Village and ONU test sirens today at noon

The Village of Ada will test its tornado siren today, Wednesday, Nov. 4, at noon.  This test is conducted in collaboration with ONU as it tests its tornado siren.  

The regular monthly test of the village's siren is still scheduled for Wednesday, Nov. 18, at noon.




So, you think you know Ada - here's the answer:

So, you think you know Ada - here's the answer: 
It's the cornerstone of the Ada post office.

October experienced a range of 54 degrees

More rain than normal

October experienced a range of 54 degrees from a low of 28 to high of 82, according to Guy Verhoff, Pandora weather observer.

The month’s average temperature was 52.0 degrees compared to the normal October average of 52.5.

October had 4.4 inches of precipitation compared to the normal October average of 2.68

The month’s high temperature was 82 on Oct. 9, and the low was 28 on Oct. 31. The daily summary is below.

Ada schools explain remote learning plan

Videos from Dan Lee and Ben Thaxton outline details

Ada schools began a remote learning plan on Monday. Two videos explain how the plan works. This story has a link for both videos.

• K-5 students video – click here
• 6th grade-12th students video – click here
• For a menu survey -click here
