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Regional news

U.S. 30 Slabtown bridge estimated to take 60 days to repair

The Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) and the Allen County Engineer's Office have completed the initial scope for the repair of the Slabtown Road bridge over U.S. 30, which closed in December due to a bridge strike.

The tentative schedule for the repairs sets construction to begin as early as mid-April and will take approximately 60 days to complete.

The Slabtown Road bridge over U.S. 30 was extensively damaged on Dec. 22 by an over-height vehicle. Slabtown Road was closed immediately. The next day, U.S. 30 westbound was closed to remove a section of the damaged deck and the steel beam to ensure the safety of motorists traveling under the bridge.

So, you think you know Ada?

Okay, where is this?

This is a two-part quiz. The photo above will easily be recognized by Ada experts. If you still can't figure it out, check the next photo. Maybe that will clear it up for you.

Answer tomorrow.

From our Florida correspondent

The Icon's Florida correspondent, Monty Siekerman, provides the following report, during his winter vacation in that southern state:

I’d rather make a donation in the milk aisle instead of the frozen meat case at Dollar General.

The nearest DG to us now has about 20 angus cows and one donkey in the field adjacent to the DG parking lot.

2021 Ada chamber membership drive underway

Invitation to businesses, non-profits, service clubs and individuals • Business of the year nominations accepted soon

Ada Area Chamber of Commerce’s 2021 membership renewal is underway this month, according to Becky Neville, chamber board president.

While 2020 saw limited chamber exposure in the community due to the pandemic, the chamber continues to be a driving force to promote the community.

Next Ada blood drive Jan. 25

Ada's next American Red Cross blood drive is from 11:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Monday, Jan. 25, in the Community Health Professionals Ada Visiting Nurses conference room, 1200 S. Main St.

To schedule an appointment, call Mary Hackworth, blood program leader for Ada community blood drives, at 419-604-8569 or 800-Red Cross.

You may also visit, and use the sponsor code: AdaCommunity.

Face coverings are required at this blood donation. Also, if the donor is able to fill out rapid pass to please do so as it is a huge timesaver. If not, procedures at the blood drive will be the same as in the past.

New pesticide applicator virtual training available

Hardin County OSU Extension will host a virtual new pesticide applicator training to help new pesticide applicators prepare for the Ohio Private Pesticide Applicator License scheduled for Tuesday, Jan. 26, from 12:30-4:30 pm.

The class will provide instruction in CORE, grain, and cereal crops.

For further study and to prepare for the test, books can be purchased from OSU Extension Publications online and shipped to your house at your expense. Online class participants will not need to pay the in-person $30 class fee which includes books.
