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In this month's Vancrest resident spotlight

Carol Warmbrod attended Ada school; for a time was a secretary at ONU

Carol Warmbrod is in the Vancrest Ada resident spotlight this month. A story and photo of her are featured in this month’s Vancrest newsletter.

Carol attended Ada school and graduated from Hardin Northern. A farm girl, she grew up on a farm where there were cows, pigs and chickens. An avid baseball fan, she played that sport and basketball in high school.

She and her husband, Dale, a farmer, were married in 1957, after high school graduation. They had two children.  Carol worked for a time as a secretary at Ohio Northern University and later in Blossom Gallery, floral shop, Kenton.

Ada Historical society meets on Monday

Ada Historical Society will hold its monthly meeting on Monday, Feb. 17, at 6:30 p.m. in the meeting room at the Ada Public Library, 320 N. Main Street.

This meeting is open to the public, and is always open to new members. 

Hardin Leadership Program gets you "connected"

David Dellifield, Jodi Dearth, Sheila Coressel, Natalie Walton and Rhett Grant tell about their experiences

By Barbara Lockard
David Dellifield, director of ONU’s McIntosh Center, would not have met the Kenton fire captain if it hadn’t been for Hardin Leadership.  

“The program connected me to people in the county that I would not have met on a daily basis,” said Dellifield.  

A graduate of the 2013 Hardin Leadership Program, Dellifield holds a bachelor’s degree from ONU and a master’s from Bluffton University.  Having grown up in the Allen East area and living out of state for a few years, however, put him at a disadvantage when it came to a knowledge of area individuals and resources.

50-year reunion planned for Ada HS class of 1970

Aug. 21

Ada High School Class of 1970 is holding a 50-year reunion on Friday, August 21 at 5:30 at The Inn at ONU, according to coordinator Kay Houx. The cost is $30 per person and RSVP requested by June 1.

The evening will include a social hour from 5:30-6:30 p.m. and classic buffet dinner at 6:30 p.m.

In addition to the dinner, an afternoon golfing outing is planned. Anyone interested should contact Jim Niswander at 419-302-7638.

Additionally, an Houx is hosting an informal gathering from 2 p.m. onward at 6572 S. Hardin Rd, Harrod.

The Inn at ONU, located at 401 W. College Ave., has rooms saved specifically for this event.

Hyo Jeong Joo: "Most Americans are so kind"

They smile and say hello all the time even if they are not really close to you

Interviewed by Liza Dyachuk
Your name:  Hyo Jeong Joo
English pronunciation: Jules
Your nationality: South Korean
Year at ONU: Sophomore
Major at ONU: English literature

Icon: How did you hear about ONU?
Hyo Jeong:
After I’d made a decision to study abroad, I was given the list of universities that I could choose from. I noticed that ONU had a lot of English major classes. I really wanted to improve my English and knew, as Ada is a very small village, there wouldn’t be a lot of Koreans, so I gave it a try. 

Four Ada organizations recognized in Adopt-A-Highway program

These groups have more than 25 years of volunteer service

The Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) District 1 recognizes the following Ada groups who have participated in Adopt-a-Highway for more than 25 years:

  • Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity, Ohio Northern University, who maintain a stretch of State Route 235
  • Zeta Tau Alpha, Delta Theta, Ohio Northern University, who maintain a stretch of State Route 701
  • Ada Lions Club, who maintain a stretch of State Route 309
  • Ada FFA, who maintain a stretch of State Route 81

These groups earned service awards this week, signed by ODOT Director Jack Marchbanks and District 1 Deputy Director Chris Hughes.
