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Ada students on the Apollo Career Center honor roll

The following Ada students attending Apollo achieved the 3.0 to 3.9 Honor Roll:

Makenzie Rayl, Sommer Cooper, Haley Dearth

Sean Bailey, Shelby Bailey, Mary Donnal, Gene Geer, Ashley Windle.

Ada senior chosen to cheer in London New Year's parade

You're a senior at AHS, correct?


Are you an Ada High School cheerleader? Do they have separate squads for different sports?

Yes, I am, and yes, we have a varsity football squad and a varsity and a J.V basketball squad. I cheer varsity for both

How long have you been cheering? How did you get started?

Todd Fleharty wins week 10; Duane Bollenbacher overall winner; watch for college-NFL contest starting this week

It was close, but Duane Bollenbacher survived as the cumulative winner of the 2012 Icon 10-week high school-college football contest. He accumulated 122 points (81% winning percentage) over the course of the season. 

Other contestants:

120 points - David Glick and Todd Fleharty.

118 points - Barry Schneck and Mark Delisle.

116 points - Becky Warren.

113 points - Dave Moser.

112 points - John Clevidence and Nancy Armour.

111 points - Tom Clark.

109 points - Mike Burris and Randy Stewart.

Hey, Mom! I'm on the Ada honor roll!

Ada Schools presents the first quarter Honor Roll for the 2012-2013 school year:

GRADE 12: Bailey Bowers, Jaden Castle, Josie Corwin, Ian Crabtree, Alexandria Johansen, Erica Kier, Levi Klingler, Zoe Laird, Madeleine Lomax Vogt, Jonathen Robey, Morgan Rouch, Michael Savino, McKenzie Shaw, Katelyn Simon, Skye VanAtta, Taylor Willeke, Suzanne Young.

GRADE 11: Austin Dumbaugh, Annabel Pinkney, Matthew Wilcox.

GRADE 10: Alexis Amburgey, Noah Beach, Terra Hunter, Caralee Stover, Victoria Wyss.

Dave Moser wins football contest week 9; Duane Bollenbacher still in the lead

The winner of Week 9 of The Icon Football Contest is Dave Moser, who correctly picked 14 games this week. 
Other contestants:
13 correct - Brandon Huber, Taylor Steele, Todd Fleharty and Tom Clark.
12 correct - Becky Warren, Bradley Smith, Duane Bollenbacher, Joe Suter, John Clevidence, Mark Delisle and Sherri Woodland.
11 correct - Barry Schneck, Chris Boisvert, David Glick, Jared Lehman, Jerry Cupples, Mike Burris, Nancy Armour, Randy Stewart, Tater Hooker and Tom Heimann.
10 correct - Bill Edwards, Jim Dillman, Kyle Gratz and Nathan Davis.

Amanda Fincher provides an update from Turkey

Note: Our most recent update on Amanda Fincher was on Sept. 7, the day before she left for Turkey. Amanda contact The Icon this past weekend. Here's her update:


I just finished my third week of classes and am preparing for my first exam. I am currently taking seven different classes. In my first week I attended a ceremony for the medical students where the official of the Department of Health in Turkey presented a speech and we were presented our 'white coats'. I attached a picture from after the ceremony with my university's flag.
