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Icon catches up with Janet Hubbell

This life-long Ada resident is a former Ada Herald editor

Janet Hubbell, a life-long Ada resident and very active in community events, is featured in Vancrest of Ada's Resident Spotlight. We've used some poetic license and summarized the story for Icon viewers:

Introducing Janet Hubbell who celebrates her birthday on Apri 10. She says that she's always been a big fan of summertime and her yearly vacations to Texas prove that.

Janet enjoys watching Animal Planet and viewing history books. When it comes to choosing what to eat you'll find her at the dessert table or in line to get something at Kewpee's.

Erica Shadley: Ada schools have such positive energy!

"My students motivate me every day. They are my best teachers."

Compiled by Darlene Bowers
Welcome to the Ada Icon’s “Ada Teacher Feature.” Here we share thoughts and insights from local teachers who lift up and inspire our students. Let us lift up and inspire these educators as well. Today we meet Erica Shadley.

“I’ve never pictured myself doing anything else,” shares Erica Shadley about choosing a career in teaching. Read on to hear this 5th grade teacher’s advice to her students and who she wants them to be in the classroom. Hint: themselves with open minds and a readiness to learn!

What grade do you teach?
5th Grade ELA (English Language Arts).

Ada Relay for Life invites your participation

It's March 31-April 1; last year's event raised $16,000

Matt is a survivor, having lost a foot and part of a leg to bone cancer when he was a high school student. Now a third year pharmacy student, Matt remains cancer free. He's beating cancer due to advances in diagnosing the disease and in prosthetics.


By Monty Siekerman
At ReStore on Tuesday, three ONU students talked about the next Relay for Life in Ada, encouraging more participation from the community. One of the students can attest to advances made in cancer research and treatment.

What do a kangroo, penguin, bear cat and African serval have in common?

They visited with Ada Rotary, Kiwanis and friends last week

Photos and story by Monty Siekerman
The Columbus Zoo, or at least part of it, came to Ada Tuesday for a joint meeting of the Ada Rotary and Kiwanis service clubs at The Inn.

Fifty club members, their spouses, and children saw four cute, cuddle critters up close and personal.

Here, a one-year-old joey is petted, feeling surprisingly soft considering kangaroos have have one of the toughest hides. He's in a pouch (albeit a manmade one) because baby kangaroos feel more comfortable in a pouch since that's where they begin life.

ReStore serves 168 Thanksgiving dinners

Prepared by Team Turkey, dinner sponsored by Lions Club

Story and photos by Monty Siekerman
ReStore served up turkey, ham, and all of the trimmings to 168 diners during their annual Thanksgiving dinner Tuesday at their community center at 210 N. Main.

The food as prepared by Team Turkey (Anita Dearth and friends) and paid for by the Ada Lions Club.

Thanksgiving at ReStore is a time for all to have a wonderful meal and socialize with friends and neighbors in the community.


• Connie and Roger Guyton ask, "Ham, turkey or some of both," as they serve Anita Dearth, Team Turkey head cook, and Rob Kanzig, leader of ReStore, at the annual Thanksgiving dinner.

Ada elementary students name characteristics of "Bulldog"

Brave, Unique, Leaders, Loyal, Determined Open-minded, Generous

What is a Bulldog?

According to the November elementary school newsletteer, Ada elementary students with help from the Ada community recently decided the characteristics that make up an Ada Bulldog.

Students will study these characteristics throughout school year and focus on developing these qualities in each student.

The characteristics chosen were:

B - Brave (Kindgarten)

U - Unique (1st grade)

L - Leaders (2nd grade)

L - Loyal (Community)

D - Determined (3 grade)

O - Open-minded (4th grade)

G - Generous (5th grade)
