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Ohio Northern University

The Russian Invasion of Ukraine–a Primer Introduction

By Kennedy Aikey, Caleb Clayton and Drew Mantenieks 

Ohio Northern University student authors, Kennedy Aikey, Caleb Clayton, and Drew Mantenieks provide context for casual observers by examining what is currently occuring, a brief history of the region, and what we can expect in the future based upon President Biden's public statements (including the State of the Union address). 

Critical Question #16 03/02/2022 By: Kennedy Aikey, Caleb Clayton, and Drew Mantenieks 

Junior soccer skills camp offered April 3 at ONU

ONU Women's Soccer will be offering a Junior Polar Bear skills camp from 1:00-4:00 p.m. on April 3. The event provides a fun and challenging afternoon filled with skill development, competition and games.

The Junior Polar Bear Soccer Camp is for boys and girls, grades 5-8.

The event will take place at Kerscher Stadium on the campus of Ohio Northern University. The cost is $50/camper.

Online registration is at Questions can be directed to Mark Batman at [email protected].

Don’t reinvent the wheel

By Karen Kier, Pharmacist on behalf of the ONU HealthWise team

Don’t reinvent the wheel is a common idiom meaning do not duplicate efforts to create something when a basic method has already been created or optimized to improve the outcome.  A young Anthony J. D’Angelo was quoted as saying “don’t reinvent the wheel, just realign it.” At the age of 23, Tony D’Angelo in 1995 decided to challenge the mindset of higher education. He felt that colleges were handing out degrees but not really educating young adults to function in the world. Based on his own educational experience in college, he felt as if he learned more about life from his activities and involvement than from his courses.

ONU mourns the passing of Dr. James Lehr Kennedy

The following announcement was provided by Ohio Northern University:

Ohio Northern University is saddened to share the news that Dr. James Lehr Kennedy, the great-grandson of our founder Henry Solomon Lehr and an influential University leader in his own right, died on Tuesday, Feb. 15 at his home in Columbus, Ohio.

As we celebrate our sesquicentennial anniversary, the ONU community will always be grateful to Jim and the legacy he generously furthered. His vision, commitment and innovation have shaped the University in ways that will always positively impact our campus and the world.

University archives uncover family history for descendants of Dr. Chun Lee


An old Chinese proverb—“remember the source of the water when you drink it”—reminds us that our past is important.

Often the demands of day-to-day life preclude us from giving more than a fleeting thought to those who came before us. But sometimes a life event, such as a death or the discovery of old journals in a dusty attic, can kindle an interest and launch a journey.

Presidents' Day from the ONU Institute for Civics and Public Policy

By Kennedy Aikey, Hailey Trimpey, and Caleb Clayton

In this installment of the "Critical Questions" series for the Institute for Civics and Public Policy, ONU students examine the evolution of Presidents' Day, discuss the consensus around who the greatest presidents are, and pay special attention to Ohio's role as the "mother of presidents."


Across American History, many outstanding individuals have held the title of President of the United States. It is a distinction only a select few can claim, but some stand out as truly remarkable leaders. George Washington served valiantly as General of the Colonial Army in the founding of our country, later becoming our nation’s first president–casting the mold of what America’s premier leader should look like for his successors. Abraham Lincoln led our country through the Civil War, rejoined the Confederacy to the Union, issued the Emancipation Proclamation, and exemplified how even when all seems lost, we the people are able to form a more perfect union. Presidents Day is how the American people celebrate the birthdays of Washington and Lincoln, as well as honor the integrity of the office of the President of the United States of America.

Question #1 How did Presidents Day come about?
