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Why the 2016 presidential race look more like a demolition derby

ONU political science professor says the pro's can't even believe what they're seeing

From the ONU website
Dr. Robert Alexander has never seen anything like this. He’s never seen anything even close to this.

The professor of political science and chair of the Department of History, Politics and Justice, Alexander does more than follow political elections; he’s a leading authority on presidential elections and the Electoral College.

So, if the race for the White House 2016 has you shaking your head, don’t worry. Even the pros can’t believe what they’re seeing.

For Alexander, there are two aspects to the 2016 presidential election that he finds fascinatingly bizarre:

The NED Shows coming to Ada elementary next Friday

Ada Kindergarteners through fifth grader will see the NED Show assembly on Friday, Oct. 21.

The NED Show is a character education program that centers around three important messages that have lifelong relevance:
• Never give up,
• Encourage others and
• Do your best.

During the assembly, students will learn about the importance of these three life skills while also enjoying storytelling, magic, humor and yo-yo tricks.

The ball never stops moving

It's head-bonking time. William Jolliff (7) for Ada goes for the soccer ball against a Paulding oppenent in a recent boys' soccer game. Vickie Garmon caught the action for the Icon. Watch for more of Garmon's soccer photos this weekend on the Icon. For a full-view of this photo click the link:

Ada Teacher Feature: Was Mrs. Smittle your kindergarten teacher?

"Sometimes I even learn from my students!"

By Darlene Bowers
Welcome to the Ada Icon’s “Ada Teacher Feature.” Here we share thoughts and insights from local teachers who lift up and inspire our students. Let us lift up and inspire these educators as well. Today we meet Kim Smittle.

Forensic scientist? Baker? Culinary artist? How about a teaching career? Kim Smittle has been working 31 years providing classroom experiences that make a lasting impression with her students.

What grade do you teach?

Tell us about your extracurricular activities.
I am very involved with the music department.

ReStore coat give-away in process

And stop in for popcorn on Halloween trick-or-treat night

Lots of events are planned at ReStore, 210 N. Main St., Ada, in October.

These include:
• Winter coat give-away
• Handing out popcorn to trick-or-treaters on Thursday, Oct. 27.

Thanksgiving and Christmas celebrations are in the planning stages, according to Robet Kanzig, interim director.

Mary Moyer Criblez was a graduate of Lafayette High School

Mary Moyer Criblez, 71, died Oct. 13, 2016, following a stroke, 10 years to the week of the death of her husband, Thomas L. Criblez of Bluffton.

She was born March 8, 1945, in Lima to Adrian and Beulah (Roberts) Moyer who preceded her in death. Her sister, Janice Kuldau also preceded her in death.

Mary is survived by her two daughters, Linda (Arthur Higbee) Criblez of Saratoga, Calif., and Sally Criblez of Bethesda, Md.; her sister, Nancy Saddler of Harrod; her brother, Carl (Nolene) Moyer of Fort Lauderdale, Fla.; and three grandsons, Gabriel, Jackson and Grant Higbee of Saratoga, Calif.
