Posted by Fred Steiner on Thursday, October 13, 2016
By Monty Siekerman
Lynne Scott owns and operates a kennel, teaches six Zumba classes, and writes in her "spare time." At the Ada Rotary Club meeting and lunch on Tuesday at The Inn, she talked about writing.
In addition to taking care of her two dogs, four cats, a farmhouse on several acres, and being an excellent cook, somehow she has managed to write five books, a novella, and a screenplay.
How does she write so much? She gives these two tips to would-be writers.
Posted by Fred Steiner on Thursday, October 13, 2016
Don’t have the time to sit through a Level 2 Food Safety Training? Can’t find one near you? We have the answer!
OSU Extension has partnered with TAP (Training Achievement Program) Series to offer an on-line version of Level 2 Food Safety training which meets all ODH requirements.
You can complete the online course at your own speed and at a time that works for you. Once training is completed, you will take a proctored certification exam in Kenton or Ada. One purchase, one trip.
The March 2017 deadline to meet this requirement is coming fast.
Posted by Fred Steiner on Thursday, October 13, 2016
The ONU Symphony Orchestra concert on Saturday night, Oct. 15, at Freed Center will begin at 8:15 p.m.instead of 7:30 p.m., due to an unforeseen scheduling conflict, according to Dr. Becky Casey.
She said, "The Music Department would like to extend the offer of one free beverage, for all Symphony Orchestra concert-goers at the ONU Inn prior to the concert, from 7:15 to 8 p.m. that evening.
But, the good news - here are some tips to stay on your feet
Posted by Fred Steiner on Wednesday, October 12, 2016
By Monty Siekerman
Dr. Jason Hageman, M.D., of Ada Family Medicine, spoke to 35 people at Community Health Professionals on Thursday during Lunch and Learn about preventing falls.
Falls annually cause 750,000 Americans to seek care in a hospital at a cost of $34 billion.
He said that if you have fallen in the past year you are more likely to fall again. He said to seek medical attention right away, especially if there is a head injury.
Falling can be caused by many things, many of which can be eliminated.
Posted by Fred Steiner on Wednesday, October 12, 2016
That's right. It has a nice ring to it - NWC champions. Cort Reynolds was on hand at Columbus Grove and took these photos following Ada's win against another team of Bulldogs. More photos are below. Those photos show Melissa Gossard exhorting her team during a timeout, a team photo plus a team photos with some loyal fans.