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Ada VFW selling poppies on Friday

The local VFW will sell poppies at ReStore Community Center on Friday, Oct. 21. Buy a poppy and help the local post help assistance programs for veterans.

Sideline watch

Ada High School football coach, Bob Olwin studies the field on Friday at Bluffton. The Bulldogs won the NWC game and face Delphos Jefferson this weekend.

Wednesday deadline to nominate the next Ada distinguished citizen

Winner will be announced at the Nov. 7 Town and Gown Banquet

Do you know a potential “Distinguished Citizen of Ada?” If so, better tell the Town and Gown Committee asap. The nomination deadline is Wednesday, Oct. 19.

The 51st annual Ada Town and Gown Banquet will be held in the McIntosh Center ballroom on the campus of Ohio Northern University on Monday, Nov. 7, at 6:30 p.m.

An application form is attached at the bottom of this story.

Applications are being accepted for the 2016 winner. The guidelines follow:

• The nominee should be a person who looks at what they can do for others and their community to make a positive impact.

Pink: The new ONU black and orange at Saturday's football game

ONU Zeta Tau Alpha sorority says "Think Pink"

Story and photos by Monty Siekerman
Pink is the new orange and black.

At least that was Saturday's primary color at Dial-Roberson Stadium as ONU faced John Carroll.

Pink was the color, thanks to efforts by sisters of the ONU chapter of Zeta Tau Alpha sorority.

The sorority pushed the crowd to "Think Pink," in a ZTA effort, locally and on a national level, to raise money for research and education in breast cancer. October is Think Pink month.

The prominent display of pink at the football game was evident among the spectators and cheerleaders.

Monty Siekerman provides the follow photos of the evening:

Joyce Murphy was a former Ada Girl Scout leader

 Joyce M. Murphy, 74, died on Sunday, Oct. 16, 2016, at 1:15 p.m. at Wapakoneta Manor in Wapakoneta, Ohio.

She was born on May 8, 1942, in Lima, Ohio to John Elmer and R. “Marie” (Jacobs) Keith and they preceded her in death. On June 4, 1961, Joyce married John E. Murphy and he preceded her in death on Nov. 22, 2004.

Joyce was a bookkeeper and assisted in the operation of Murphy Motor Sales Ada. She formerly worked at the Lima Telephone & Telegraph Company from 1960-1961 and then worked from 1961-1964 at the Lima Metropolitain Bank.

1912 in Ada - Business men organized to make plans for the first F&M Picnic

Once upon a time in Ada - things you didn't know about your hometown

Once upon a time in Ada
Things you didn’t know about your own hometown
By Lee Crouse
[email protected]

March 3, 1912 the Business Men’s Club was organized. W.C. Ewing was the first president. In 1914 this organization formulated plans for the first Farmers & Merchants Picnic.
