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Ada's latest news

The eyes have it

The Icon is messing with your vision just a tad for artistic purposes. Here's a selection of glasses frames from Eyes on Main, 107 S. Main St., Ada. We've upped the red tint just a notch to aquire this special color affect.

Center for Democratic Governance and Rule of Law grant received

$2 million award from U.S. Department of State

Ohio Northern University’s Center for Democratic Governance and Rule of Law has been awarded a $2 million grant from the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs of the U.S. Department of State to administer the Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition in Afghanistan for the next two years.

Amy Eddings Lima Rotary Club speaker

The Icon's own Amy Eddings was the featured speaker at the Rotary Club of Lima on Monday at the Veteran's Memorial Civic Center.

Amy (pictured, left, with Pamela Stricker, publisher, Niche Product Division, Civitas Media), spoke about her decision to leave New York City to come to Ada.

She also writes for The Lima News and runs Easter House Bed and Breakfast in Ada.

Bulldogs beat Allen East as regular season ends

Playoff bound for 10th time in past 11 seasons

By Dusty Donley - Photos by Sue Mattson
The Seth Conley to Jordan Bailey connection was red hot last Friday night, as the Bulldogs traveled to Allen East and defeated the Mustangs, 49-34. 


The potent combination accounted for all four Bulldog aerial scores.  Mason Klingler would also add a 5-yard touchdown on the ground, and defensive stalwart Ethan Swaney scored after recovering a blocked punt. 


The win ends Ada’s regular season campaign at 7-3 overall and 5-2 in the Northwest Conference.

Tommy Tire Alignment Center offers free pick-up, drop-off within 5 miles of Ada location

Tommy Tire Alignment Center, 3032 State Route 309, Ada, offers passenger, light truck and large vehicle tire alignment.

Also provided is free vehicle pickup and drop off within five miles of the Ada location.

Call 419-634-8401 to schedule your appointment.

Two Ada volleyball players honored by District 8

Melina Woods named Division IV player of the year; Haley Wyss will play in senior all-star game

Two Ada volleyball players were recognized by the District 8 volleyball coaches.

Melina Woods was named Division IV District 8 East player of the year. The vote was announced by the District 8 volleyball coaches late last week.

The junior adds this honor to her "Player of the Year" in the Northwest Conference - a title she's earned for the second year in a row.

In addition, Haley Wyss, was named to the East team in the Division IV senior all-star match. That contest will be played at 7 p.m., Wednesday, Nov. 16, at Coldwater High School.

Admission is $3 for adults and $2 for students.

The attachment below lists all members of the all-star teams.
