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A personal reflection on the life and legacy of Darren Scott

With a lump in my throat and a tear in my eye I attended the ribbon cutting

By Monty Siekerman

With a lump in my throat and a tear in my eye, I attended the ribbon cutting ceremony Sunday of the refurbished Darren Scott wrestling room at ONU's King Horn Center.

As longtime wrestling coach Ron Beaschler, said, "Darren's positive influence on people continues today."

Darren is the first person to win a national championship in university history.

He was the NCAA national wrestling champ in the 134 weight class in 1987. But, hard to believe, his continued influence on people is more of a testament to the man than his outstanding athletic ability and accomplishments.

Kiwanis members hear history of Kenton Toy Co.

Ada Kiwanis members heard a "toy story" at their Nov. 8 meeting.

Jim Pruden and his wife, Sandy, presented a program on the Kenton Toy Company.

The Prudens related the history of the company beginning with its establishment in the late 1800s as the manufacturer of a cast-iron bank, the “Empire Bank Building.” In addition to banks, the company also produced horse drawn toys, a zoo wagon and many more.

They mentioned a book, written a number of years ago by Charles Jacobs, then curator of the Sullivan-Johnson Museum in Kenton. The book, which is available at the Kenton museum, is considered by many as the definitive source of the company and its products.

OSU residence hall named in memory of Jon T. Busch

Brother of Larry Busch of Ada and ONU

An eight-story co-ed residence hall at Ohio State University has been named in memory of Jon T. Busch, brother of Larry Busch of Ada and ONU. Jon was Missing in Action in North Vietnam for many years.

Larry graduated from ONU in 1963 and began the university's computer program shortly after graduation. Fifty-three years later he continues there as grant research analyst in the office of information technology. He and his wife, Joyce, a retired Ada teacher, live southwest of Ada.

Larry's brother, Jon, was deployed for Vietnam in November of 1966. While flying a mission over North Vietnam his plane was shot down and he was taken prisoner of war.

Incredible story of strength

Ahlam Anteer of Iraq, now a U.S. citizen who voted Tuesday

By Monty Siekerman
This is an incredible story of strength: the life story of Ahlam Anteer of Iraq, now a U.S. Citizen who voted Tuesday.

You see, Ahlam's father was kidnapped and murdered in Baghdad. She described him as "a high government official and international lawyer."

Three of her brothers were murdered, as well.

Ahlam, a teacher, and her mother fled to northern Iraq where her mother died from the stress of losing most of her family. Ahlam worked her way to Syria, which at the time was not in the throes of civil war as it is today. The United Nations came to her rescue, sending her to Sterling Heights, Mich.

Election night in Ada

The College Republicans and the College Democrats gathered for an election watch party Tuesday night at The Inn. Here, Maddie Kimmel shows her support for her guy while Lydia Heinlen cheers for her gal. The photo was taken early in the evening, thus everyone was smiling at that point. CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS AND PHOTOS.

Election night party at The Inn goes into the morning hours

College GOP and College Dems event

By Monty Siekerman
The College Republicans and the College Democrats gathered for an election watch party Tuesday night at The Inn.

Here, Maddie Kimmel shows her support for her guy while Lydia Heinlen cheers for her gal. The photo was taken early in the evening, thus everyone was smiling at that point.

Early on, the TV networks made the obvious calls so the electoral count bounced from one candidate winning to the other being in the lead.

As the night progressed, the GOPers in the crowd got more excited, especially when Donald Trump took Ohio.

Would this trend continue? Would nearly all pollsters and pundits be wrong?
