Posted by Fred Steiner on Tuesday, November 8, 2016
Each of the local issues on the Ada and Liberty Township ballots passed on Nov. 8. For the unofficial Hardin County results click here. Don Traxler of Ada, a member of the election board, said that it seems like a bigger than usual turnout today in Hardin County for the election. At mid afternoon on Tuesday he said that most precincts were reporting a steady flow of voters. There are about 18,000 active and inactive voters in the county. Early voting began Oct.
Posted by Fred Steiner on Tuesday, November 8, 2016
It's no secret who Neil Williams is voting for since his front yard is full of political yard signs and he's been active in county Democrat politics.
The Community Health Professionals building hosted the two Ada precincts where 400 people had voted by 10:30 a.m. on Tuesday. Twenty-five voters were in line when voting began at 6:30 a.m. (Monty Siekerman photo)
Afghanistan, Nepal, Brazil, Bangladesh, and Malawi watch our voting process
Posted by Fred Steiner on Tuesday, November 8, 2016
By Monty Siekerman
Law students from five countries observed the American voting process in Ada on Tuesday.
The students, who are from Afghanistan, Nepal, Brazil, Bangladesh, and Malawi, are spending the year in Ada studying at the law school for an advanced degree.
They were brought to the polling place by Becky Neville, an administrative assistant at the school.
All of the students are already lawyers in their home countries. The university recently received a $2 million grant to continue the program because of its past success.
He's been on the fire department for nearly 50 years
Posted by Fred Steiner on Tuesday, November 8, 2016
By Monty Siekerman
Longtime Ada/Liberty Fire Chief Jay Epley was named Citizen of the Year during the 51st annual Town and Gown banquet on Monday evening in McIntosh Center ballroom. More than 200 people attended the gala event.
A Hardin County farm boy who served 22 years in the National Guard, Jay is most known to many for his incredibly long run of 38 years as fire chief. He has been a member of the department for nearly 50 years.
In accepting the award he thanked the voters for their support of levies and his wife of 49 years, Linda, and daughters.
Posted by Fred Steiner on Tuesday, November 8, 2016
Evelyn Krofft, 92, votes at the Liberty Township precinct at the N Men's Building in Ada on Tuesday morning. Phil Compton, a poll worker, is at right. (Monty Siekerman photo)
Posted by Fred Steiner on Tuesday, November 8, 2016
An election “watch party” will be held beginning at 7 p.m. on Nov. 8 in The Inn at Ohio Northern in conference rooms 1 and 2. This event presents an opportunity to see how college students react to the presidential election.
The watch party is a culminating event as part of several initiatives held this fall as part of ONU’s involvement in the nationwide Voter Friendly Campus initiative, which strives to encourage student registration and voting.