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Rachel Ludwig's first graders hold their own election

Could it be that "Duck" wins by a landslide?

A class of Ada first graders learned about the voting process earlier this week - and on Tuesday held their own election.

According to Rachel Ludwig, Ada first grade teacher, "My first grade class learned about the election and voting process by reading the story "Duck for President," by Doreen Cronin.

The story of Duck begins in a humble pond. Duck worked his way to farmer and then to governor. And now, perhaps, to the highest office in the land.

The book has received the New York Times best illustrated children's book award.

Mrs. Ludwig added that the students registered to vote on Monday and then participated in a mock election by voting Tuesday.

Griffin, Kindle, Polachek Hardin Leadership grads

Three persons with Ada ties graduated from are the 2016 Hardin Leadership group on Nov. 10. Twenty-three persons graduated in the annual meeting held at Henry’s Restaurant.

They include:
Patty Griffin – Village of Ada
Angel Kindle – Ohio Northern University, College of Business
   Soroptmist International Scholarship
Angela Polachek – Village of Ada

Reynolds article posted on Celtic website

Cort Reynolds, Icon sports writer, had his latest historical article on Paul Westphal published Wednesday on SB Nation's website.

It is titled: "After 3 years as a key Boston reserve, Westy blossomed into an NBA superstar when traded to Phoenix - and became one of the best ever not in the Hall of Fame."

CLICK HERE to read the article.


Here's what's planned at the Alger Public Library in November

The Alger Public Library has scheduled several events for all ages in November.

• Ages 3 through kindergarten - preschool story time on Mondays at 6:30 p.m. Songs, games, crafts, snacks.

• Grades 1-5 - Tune-in Tuesdays at 4:30 p.m. Crafts, games, special guests. On Nov. 15, Ollie, a miniature horse and its owner, Jolene, will present a program on bullying and all ages are invited.

• All grades - Homework help from 5-6 p.m. on Thursdays

• Teen Night, 4-6 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 19, activities from 4-6 p.m.

Several Bulldogs named All-NWC

By Cort Reynolds

Ada senior standout Jordan Bailey and speedy junior Chase Sumner were both voted first team All-Northwest Conference on offense and defense by the league football coaches in a meeting this past Monday at Delphos.

Bailey and Sumner each were named first team all-league wide receivers. Bailey also made first team at linebacker, while Sumner made it as a defensive back.

Bulldog senior Mason Klingler was voted first team all-league as a defensive lineman.

Ada junior Jacob Hoschak, senior wideout Owen Conley and junior quarterback Seth Conley were all named to the NWC second team offense.

It was quite a feast!

Overflow audience attends this year's Music Booster show choir fest'

By Monty Siekerman

Akron's ETC swing choir is all energy and excitement as the group performs at the Music Feast held at Ada High School all day on Saturday.


The 540-seat auditorium was filled to capacity with many spectators viewing the show choirs on a large screen in an overflow room. The high reputation of the well organized local competition draws some of the best swing choirs in Ohio each year.

And, the Music Feast is one of the state's oldest song, dance, band competitions.
