Posted by Fred Steiner on Monday, December 5, 2016
Once upon a time in Ada
Things you didn’t know about your own hometown
By Lee Crouse [email protected]
April 1916 - “Cherry Cheer,” a new soft drink was being bottled here by Marty & Jones. In April 1916 J.A. Jones and A.G. Marty appeared before the Ada council asking for improvement of the alley past Friedly’s livery barn, for approach of trucks to a proposed soft-drink bottling business. Friedly’s barn was located east of the First National Bank in East Buckeye Avenue.
Posted by Fred Steiner on Monday, December 5, 2016
Can you name Ada's mayor in this photo? Or, how about naming some of the council members - all men, of course. This is the Ada village council in 1953.
Posted by Anne Pannabecke... on Monday, December 5, 2016
The Ohio Northern University Department of Music presents “Gaudete: The It’s Not Quite Christmas Yet” concert, performed by the ONU Wind and Symphony orchestras, in the Freed Center for the Performing Arts at 7:30 p.m. on Dec. 10.
The program begins with the ONU Wind Orchestra under the direction of Dr. Thomas Hunt. The group will present four pieces: Ron Nelsons’ Lauds, Yasahide Ito’s Gloriosa, David Gillingham’s Providence, and Robert Reynolds’ arrangement of Morten Lauridsen’s famous O Magnum Mysterium.
Posted by Fred Steiner on Sunday, December 4, 2016
Ruth Roider prepares her window with a Christmas display at Gallery for the Arts, 125 S. Main. The Gallery is open Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, but one can stop by anytime during the season to view the large front window display. (Monty Siekerman photo)