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Ada Kiwanis learn about "social inclusion" from county develomental disabilities agency

Allowing persons with disabilities to live the same lives as others

By Jon Umphress
Kristy Gillfillan, new staff member of the Hardin County Board of Develomental Disabilities, shared some of the board's projects with Ada Kiwanis members on Nov. 29.

Her talk focused on including social inclusion for the agency’s clients.

What do we mean by social inclusion?

The term, while appearing frequently over the last few years, has yet to be well defined. Although attempts have been made to define social inclusion in ways that can be measured, most efforts have fallen short primarily because of the highly personal, individualized nature of it.

Christmas dinner theatre at The Inn at ONU

Five performances of "Greetings" - make reservations now

By Monty Siekerman
The Inn at ONU will present a dinner theatre on two weekends titled "Greetings," written by Tom Dudzick and performed by the Northwest Ohio Theatre Fraternal Association. There will be five performances.

The show tells of a family who lost their Christmas joy and is visited by an ancient, wise, and witty spirit who is set upon healing them.

The dinner theatre is scheduled for Fridays, Dec. 9, and 16 and Saturdays, Dec. 10 and 17. The buffet begins at 6:30 p.m. with the show at 8 p.m.

The Christmas brunch matinee will be Sunday, Dec. 11, with the buffet at 12:30 p.m. and show at 2 p.m.

Hardin Historical Museums offer holiday programs

Christmas at the Farm Museum and A Vintage Christmas

Two events take place in December from the Hardin County Historical Museums, according to Linda Iams, director.

Christmas at the Farm Museum is from 1 to 3:30 p.m., Saturday, Dec. 10, at the Fair Ground Road, Kenton. This free admission event includes sleigh rides, exhibits from the Black Swampp Buggy Club and a visit from Santa.

A Vintage Christmas is going on now through Friday, Dec. 30, at the Museum, 223 N. Main St., Kenton. Tuesday through Friday hours are 1 to 4 p.m., and on Sunday, Dec. 11, and Sunday, Dec. 18, from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m.



2016 growing season includes less rain than previous years

By Mark Badertscher, OSU Extension Educator

The least amount of rain was recorded in Liberty Township by Phil Epley, with 18.09 inches for the season. A wide range of 13.21 inches in rainfall accumulation from high to low across the county is an indication of the variability in rainfall throughout Hardin County in 2016.


Hardin County - With the help of 15 volunteer rainfall reporters, the Hardin County Extension office has collected unofficial township rainfall data for the past 24 consecutive years.

The Inn at ONU offers you holiday assistance

Two Wrap It-Up Luncheons and a Mind-Body-And-Spirit Tea

The Inn at Ohio Northern University offers two wrap it-up luncheons and one mind-body-and-spirit tea this month.

Here are the details:

Wrap It-Up Luncheon
Saturday, Dec. 10, and Saturday, Dec. 17
11 a.m. to 1 p .m.

Menu includes Christmas casserole with holiday salad and dessert while Santa’s elves wrap up three of your gifts.

Mind-Body-And-Spirit Tea
Sunday, Dec. 18
2 to 4 p.m.

Menu includes teas and treats. Chair massages also available. Reservations required by calling 419-772-2500.

ONU Jazz Ensemble performs Dec. 8

The Ohio Northern University Jazz Ensemble will present a concert, “New Stompin’ Grounds,” at 7:30 p.m. on Dec. 8 in the McIntosh Center Bear Cave. Admission to the concert is free.
The concert will feature tunes from the great bands of Duke Ellington, Stan Kenton, Thad Jones, Maynard Ferguson and more. The ONU Student Jazz Combos will be led by Gene Parker, adjunct instructor in jazz studies and leader of the “Thursday Night Jazz Jams” at Viva Maria Restaurant in Ada.
The Bear Cave has been recently updated and has a club atmosphere, and acoustics are ideal for a jazz band.
