Just in case you don't know, there's a great sale going on this month in Ada. It's at the Ada Public Library and involves reading material. You may take it from here.
Free listing of your events - simply e-mail us details
Posted by Fred Steiner on Friday, January 6, 2017
There is no charge to post calendar items on the Icon's monthly calendars. Send your organization information to: [email protected]
This could include:
• Monthly club meetings
• Support group meetings
• Church events
• School group meetings
• Chicken barbecues - ice cream socials
* Saghetti dinners - pancake breakfasts
• Car washes - any fundraiser
• Concerts
• Golf outings
• You name it!
Tell us:
Name of group
Meeting date
Meeting location
The Board of Trustees of Ada Public Library will meet in a special session on Monday, January 9th at 9:00 AM in the Library Meeting Room for their Annual Reorganization Meeting followed immediately by the regular January Monthly Meeting.
Since the Library does not open until 9a.m., community members wishing to attend the meeting need only go to the SE corner door (door has glass windows looking into the Meeting Room), and knock.
Posted by Fred Steiner on Thursday, January 5, 2017
Margaret A. Olivieri, 73, died on Thursday, Jan. 5, 2017, at 10:09 a.m. at her residence in Alger.
She was born on Aug. 17, 1943, to Howard and Arizona (Risner) Stanley. Her father and step-mother, Joyce Stanley and her mother and step-father, Otis Collingworth preceded her in death. Margaret was also preceded in death by her grandmother/mom Frankie Hicks. On Dec. 18, 1965, Margaret married Michael D. Olivieri who died on March 20, 1990.
Margaret was a homemaker. She was a member of the Alger Assembly of God Church.