Posted by Beth Downing on Tuesday, January 10, 2017
Always looking for news tips on campus and in the community, The Ada Icon editor Monty Siekerman welcomes news and photo ideas. Call or text him at 419-303-3439 or email him at [email protected]. The Ada Icon---where Ada gets its news. Check us out at and on Facebook.
Fred Steiner
Ada Icon
CELL: 419-889-3065 [email protected]
Did you receive an iPad or Kindle reader for Christmas?
Maybe you already own one of the above. In either case, you certainly have questions that you are probably afraid to ask.
The Ada Public Library can help. It offers three free tech classes in the next two Saturdays. No sign-up is required. Simply show up with your digital device and get ready to take notes.
Classes include:
• Saturday, Jan. 14
10:30 a.m. – Getting started with your iPad
Noon – Getting started with your Kindle
• Saturday, Jan. 21
10:30 a.m. – Overdriv3e: Your digital library from anywhere.
Lots of purple and gold, photos, and school information
Posted by Fred Steiner on Monday, January 9, 2017
There's a new website in Ada - and it's already well traveled.
Ada schools unveiled a website update this week. It's layout follows:
On the left column are links to:
• Ada elementary
• Ada High School
• Calendar
• Food and nutrition
• ProgressBook
• Ohio Alerts
• Forms
• Athletics
• Alumni
The centert has a scrolling photo slideshow with a list on the school Facebook.
The right side includes school contact information and a school calendar.
Ada wrestling fans cheered future Bulldogs in a meet on Sunday in Bluffton. Along with Ada elementary wrestlers were Allen East and Bluffton competitors. The event was the Miami Valley Kids Wrestling Association meet. (Photos by Ken Collins)