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Ada's latest news

Heather Shaffer, a fifth-year pharmacy student from Ada, selected as Paul Ambrose Scholars Program

Heather Shaffer, a fifth-year pharmacy student from Ada, Ohio, has been selected to the Paul Ambrose Scholars Program. 

The program exposes health professions students to influential public health professionals and prepares them to be leaders in addressing population health challenges at the national and community level.

Since 2002, more than 600 students from 207 academic institutions have become Paul Ambrose Scholars, equipped with leadership and organizational skills in public health education that can only be found outside of the classroom.

Northern Express: Photo of the Week

Photo of the week: Junior electrical engineering student Dan Musci, left, and senior civil engineering student Nathan Craft, right, work on a project being led by ONU's Innovators of Ohio Northern (ION.) This photo is one of ONU photographer Trevor Jones' favorites from fall semester. 

More than puddles

Several days of rain have caused more than puddles, as these photos by Ken Collins show. His camera caught the muddy messes southeast of Ada on Thursday. The Hardin County sheriff reports many county roads in have been posted with High Water signs and others have been closed due to isolated flooding across the roadways. Sheriff Keith Everhart urged caution while traveling. "Do not attempt to drive through a flooded area," he said. Relief from rain is expected the next three days as temperatures fall.


ONU President and First Lady featured in an article

Ohio Northern University President Daniel A. DiBiasio and First Lady Chris Burns-DiBiasio are featured in an Inside Higher Ed article on a new study from University of Minnesota researchers, which examines the role of the presidential spouse or partner at a time when it is becoming increasingly complex and challenging. The survey finds a quarter of presidents have made decisions on taking or turning down jobs based on spouses' expected role.

See the complete article linked below:

Alger grant meeting Jan. 18

There is the possibility of a $500,000 grant for the Village of Alger. The county regional planning office and village officials want your input.

There will be a meeting at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 18, at the village hall, 207 Angle St. to discuss possible infrastructure projects, such as:
 • Parks and playground equipment
• Sidewalks
• Storm sewers
• Water hydrants
• Roads, curbs and gutters
• or other infrastructure projects.

A survey was taken in Alger last fall which determined that Alger qualified for a grant up to $500,000 since most residents report low to moderate incomes.

The sale of the $16 dog tags ends January 31.

The sale of the $16 dog tags ends January 31. They can be purchased at Liberty National Bank downtown, Ada Animal Hospital on SR 235 south of town, or at Metz Pets on SR 309 west of Ada.

After Jan. 31, tags will cost will be $32 and a possible citation.

Tags may be purchased at the dog shelter on Jones Road west of Kenton. For hours call 419-674-2209. Tammy Ervin is chief dog warden.

