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Letter: Sponsor and patron thank you from Lions Club

The Ada Lions Club would to thank the many sponsors and patrons for their support of the Lions Club food booth at this year’s Harvest and Herb Festival. The Club has been serving the traditional hamburgers and hotdogs for several years. Through the generous support of our sponsors, we help many local individuals and organizations.

Letter: Ada First United Methodist Church affiliation town meeting

CLARIFICATION: Please note that these meetings are intended for the congregation of Ada First United Methodist Church and is strictly related to matters within the United Methodist Church. This is not a community forum.

Dear Members and Friends,

Letter: Thank you to F&M parade volunteers

The 2022 Farmers & Merchants parade included some 80 entries for one of the biggest parades ever.

Becky Neville and Tami Waller, Parade Chairmen would like to Thank Century 21 Sunway Realty LLC agents and families for helping and participating in the parade!

A special Thank you goes out to Junior Weihrauch, Agent Del Cogar, Randy Waller, and Hunter Waller for helping us line up the parade!

We hope everyone enjoyed the parade this year and had lots of fun at the picnic!

A Farmers & Merchants Parade highlights video can be viewed HERE

Letter: Volunteerism furthers the mission of non-profits

Volunteerism! Most of, if not all non-profits depend on the volunteers to further their mission. Without volunteers the Boy Scouts of America would not be able to serve millions of youth nationwide over the past 120 years with the leadership, character, citizenship and fitness training that makes youth prepared for life and the leaders of tomorrow.  

Letter: Thank you to Ada police officers

I just want to say thank you to our police officers. They are always ready to help and they really seem to get know the people in Ada.

They are great officers for our kind of town. Thank you all and be safe.

Shelby Cameron
