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Letter: Thank you Hardin County - United Way topped our goal

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Thank you Hardin County! Our campaign ended with a total of $176,862 of the $150,000 goal!

We looked at the situation of the upcoming year and asked for less, knowing the hardships people face, and yet our community gave above and beyond to cover the actual need.

The United Way of Hardin County Board of Directors and I want to thank every individual and business who donated in any way or amount. Our community came together BIG to not only meet our goal, but go over!

Thank you Hardin County; what a way to end a crazy year and begin another!

#LiveUnited #support #nonprofit #givewhereyoulive #hardincounty

Letter: Fire department appreciates Ada's generosity

$2,800 collected in "stuff-the-boot" to help bring Christmas joy to area families

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The people of Ada have come through again.  

On Nov. 20, the Ada-Liberty Volunteer Fire Department conducted a "stuff-the-boot" collection at the intersection of Main and Lincoln. In a matter of two and a half hours, over $2,800 was raised to help bring Christmas joy to some families in the

The fire department has always appreciated the tremendous support of the Ada communty, and wanted to give back. It is with your support that we are able to do this.

Your generosity is greatly appreciated.  
Philip Compton, chaplain Ada-Liberty Fire Department

Letter: Presidential transition needed to protect America

The election is over, and President Trump lost

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President Trump is trying to steal the election.

He's making false claims of fraud and refusing to help the transition to President-Elect Biden. That transition process should include briefings for President-Elect Biden  on national security and on the federal response to the pandemic, among other issues. President Trump is blocking those briefings.

The losers here are the American people.

Letter: School should open a second lane to drop off students

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I was hoping someone would publicly address the dropoff situation going on at the Ada school. It was a good idea, but wasn't researched enough. The school didn't take into consideration, that there were three lanes of vehicles dropping off students, in the front of the school.

Now, all lanes have been condensed into one long lane, with a minimum of an eight-minute wait to get students to their classes. The school just announced to students that tardiness, due to the dropoff restrictions will no longer be excused.

Letter: Vote Jennifer and John for Ohio Supreme Court

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For non-lawyers, it can be hard to excited about the law. But I'm tremendously excited about two candidates for Ohio Supreme Court, on the ballot November 3.

These candidates are Judge Jennifer Brunner and Judge John O'Donnell (each running for a separate seat). They bring an amazing wealth of experience and knowledge to the important job of Ohio Supreme Court Justice.

Even more than that, they bring a sense of fairness, compassion, and concern
for the State of Ohio. I urge everyone to vote to Judge Brunner and Judge
O'Donnell (Jennifer and John) for Ohio Supreme Court.

Letter: Sad and somewhat angered that Ada athletics have gotten to this point

What we are experiencing is a systemic issue that has to be addressed

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The news this week of the resignation of Coach White has prompted me to write this letter. I am sad and somewhat angered that Ada athletics have gotten to this point.  

My family, in one way or another, has been involved in Ada athletics since the late 1970s.  This has included myself, my siblings, my children, nieces and nephews and now my grandchildren. Our family has participated in football, basketball, baseball, tennis, soccer, volleyball, softball, track, cheerleading and even a bit of coaching at Ada.  

So it is easy to see and say that we care a great deal about Ada athletics.
