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Iconoclast View

Who am I? An avid Ada biker

By Alisa Armbrecht

Welcome to our second installment of “Who Am I?” We'll provide the answer in a few days. In the meantime, you are welcome to provide your guess in the comment section.

Here's some hints.

As school year winds down, calendar events wind up

The school year is coming to a close. Even so, there's lot of activities this month. Here's a list of events from the Ada school website:

Drum roll please...the Icon's mystery person - revealed

Last week The Ada Icon asked you "Who Am I?"  We provided some hints and a photo that had the face of the mystery persons smudged.

We are ready to announced the mystery person's name and show you his real photo.

__________is a licensed massage therapist and owner of Body Works in Ada. 

He is married and has two adorable kids. 

He is frequently seen running the streets of Ada while racing cars to stoplights.

The mystery guy is: NICK ALGER.

How many of you guessed correctly? Be honest.


Helping students who have learning disorders become more socialized

May is “better hearing and speech month.” The Icon took this opportunity to talk with Sherry Miller, Ada schools speech language pathologist.

The interview coincided with a fire drill. Miller was with a pre-schooler at the time. She thought it was best that she walked with the student and stayed with her during the drill so the student wouldn’t become scared.

I agreed and followed the two outside. All the while Miller assured the pre-schooler that everything was going to be okay and not to worry, “We will all take care of you,” she said, referring to the teachers and students standing outside.

The Inn at ONU celebrates the 2013 grads and their accomplishments

Life is full of moments that we must treasure.  Graduation is one of those important moments. The Inn at ONU celebrates the graduates of 2013 and their accomplishments.  

We extend to all graduates not only our congratulations but also our hope that you will find much success, the courage to go beyond expectations and the ability to believe that you can truly achieve your dreams.  We offer our congratulations to not only the graduates but to the families, teachers and administrators that have stood beside to guide and nurture.  Our best to the Graduating Classes of 2013.

Harlem Shake: New sensation that swept the nation - watch it here

The Ada Icon introduces a new music review column. Delano D. Whidbee, a university student sophomore from Flint, Mich., is the columnist.

He says: "Music has always been around my life. The different creative styles interested me from a young age."

This is more than a serious hobby for Delano. He said, "I check daily to see what new music or exclusive interviews, or music visuals have been released."

And, concerning his favorite music, he said: "I like any music I can relate to, or understand. Also, if there is some creative style to the music whether it’s the instrumental or the way everything flows together."

Welcome Delano. Here's his first column.
