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Icon seeking May-June events for Community Highlights

The Ada Icon is accepting information about events taking place in the Ada community from May 1 to June 30.

The information will be used in the May-June Ada Community Highlights calendar. The calendar is distributed free via e-mail to any interested person, organization or business and is available as a pdf to be printed and distributed free in area businesses. The calendar will be available in early May.

The deadline to submit information is 5 p.m., Friday, April 26.

To submit information about an event please provide:

• Name of event
• Event dates and times
• Event location

Ada Icon says: "Celebrate Better Hearing and Speech Month in May"

Provided by Sherry Miller, Speech Language Pathologist at Ada Schools

Since 1927, the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association has celebrated Better Hearing and Speech Month each May to raise public awareness of speech and language disorders that affect 14 million Americans.

Speech and language disorders can take many forms and can limit academic achievement, social adjustment, and career advancement. An individual may be born with a speech or language disorder, or it may be caused by accidental injury or illness.

"Play Hardball Against ALS" on April 20 in Ada

Did you know that 1 in 50,000 individuals is afflicted with Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
(ALS), a non-curable (as of now) disease affecting the nervous system and
muscles. Amazingly, in this area the number is closer to 1 in 7,000!

Perhaps most people know of this disease by the name "Lou Gehrig's Disease", named after the famed New York Yankee baseball player.

Relating the baseball connection to ALS. A challenge is going out to set the
Ohio Athletic Conference Baseball Attendance record.

The Village Garden now accepting applications

Applications are now available for The Village Garden.  You can pick up an application at ReStore during normal business hours. All completed applications should be returned by May 1. 

The Village Garden administrator is Joan Zachariah.  You may contact her with questions at 513-578-8123 (leave a message)  or you can email Joan at [email protected].


Time to Get Growing!

Village considering hiring Canine DNA On The Spot, dog excrement ID firm

In an effort to rid village sidewalks and other public sites of dog excrement, the Village of Ada is considering the hiring of Canine DNA On The Spot. The company, based in Cleveland, offers communities and park services with DNA animal excrement testing services.

According to the company website: “We assist municipalities and park services in matching animal excrement found on streets, alleys, sidewalks, parks and lawns, with the actual animal that deposited the excrement.”

It's ONU versus Notre Dame in robotic football April 6


Students from Ohio Northern University’s T.J. Smull College of Engineering have created a team of robotic football players to compete in the fifth annual University of Notre Dame robotic football competition on Saturday, April 6, at 7 p.m. in the Ohio Northern University King Horn Sports Center. The event is free and open to the public.
