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Ada's latest news

Liberty National Bank celebrates Christmas in July with food pantry collection

During the week of July 20th, Liberty National Bank will celebrate Christmas in July by collecting non-perishable food items for the Ada Food Pantry.

The Ada office will be accepting donations during business hours:
• Monday – Thursday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 
• Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. and
• Saturday from 8:30 a.m. to noon. 

Willow weep for me

Willow trees like water, and it's a good thing.

Here, a mother mallard takes refuge, away from the photographer with her ducklings, under a large willow in the retention basin on West Campus.

The basin is usually dry in mid-July, but Tuesday's downpours filled it to overflowing. My rain gauge reported nearly three inches of rain within a couple of hours in the early afternoon with a third brief gusher an hour later pushing the total past three inches in a short period of time.

Adaites welcomed Wednesday's sunshine as water receded. (Monty Siekerman)

Have a snack compliments of the summer reading program

Ada Public Library's summer reading program is - excuse the phrase - one for the books.

In case you missed this year's reading adventure, the Icon's link to the library's Facebook provide an opportunity to view over 40 photos taken this summer.

The photo accompanying this story is in the mix. And, to best of our knowledge, it appears to be worms in the earth. But upon closer inspection it appears to be some sort of dessert.



Ada Full Gospel VBS July 27-30

Ada Full Gospel Church, 1047 State Route 235, Ada, will hold its Vacation Bible School from Monday, July 27 to Thursday, July 30, from 6 to 9 p.m. The VBS is for youth ages 3 to teens.

VBS planners say: "Grab your expedition gear and prepare for Journey Off the Map! Come join us as we discover truths about Jesus-the Ultimate Guide! Kids will enter the Worship Rally at Overlook and make their first stop in the  Tangled Branch Tree House for Bible study.

While on their journey, kids will also visit:
·  Survival Springs for snacks
·  Rappelling Ravine for recreation
·  Rushing Waters for music
·  And Shady Grove for crafts

Grace Gospel VBS underway

Grace Gospel Vacation Bible School is underway this week. Here is Donna Price, storyteller, in an ice cave.

The photo below is Charity Boedicker with son, Jordan. (Monty Siekerman)

One horse-power bike ride

You never know what you'll see on a group bicycle ride with the CG Pro Bike crew of Bluffton. On last week's ride a free-roaming horse joined the party near Hancock County Road 52. Raymond Harner took this photo of the scene. With the assistance of a Hancock County Sheriff's deputy, the horse was returned to its nearby home. (Photo from CG Pro Bikes Facebook)
