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Ada's latest news

Ready, set, hike your way to Wilson's garage sale

Wilson Sporting Goods Co., Ada, holds its annual football "garage" sale from 8 a.m. to noon, Saturday, Sept. 26, at the sporting goods company.

The sale includes footballs, overruns, blemished footballs and scrap footballs and many other miscellaneous sporting good items.

Youth ages 4 to high school can be an ONU cheerleader on Oct. 31

Youth ages 4 through 12 grade area invited to a Ohio Northern cheerleaders and coaches cheerleading clinic, The event is Saturday, Oct. 31. Youth will be divided  into mini-squads by age!

Here's the schedule

One more time - Harvest and Herb Fest'

You can never get enough of the Harvest and Herb Festival. 

Here's our final look at this year's community event. Local freelance photographer Kerry Bush of Elysian Fields Photography, Bluffton, shared these photos of the event with the Icon.

Enjoy the photos below.


About that tree at the corner of SR 235 and CR 10 - did you know it's an Osage orange?

By Monty Siekerman

Thanks to Lelia Dyer we now know that that the story we posted about a paw paw tree is actually an Osage orange, also known hedge apple, horse apple, monkey ball, or, if you know your French, bois d'arc.

Our story listed many edible uses for paw paw. But Osage orange is seldom eaten due to extremely hard texture and taste. The fruit is not poisonous to humans or livestock, as shown by several studies. The seeds of the fruit are edible and it is sometimes torn apart by squirrels to get at the seeds, but few other animals use of it as food source.

Serve for a Cure generates $1,000

Ada and LCC tennis squads combined for a benefit for Amelia Griffin on Wednesday at the tennis courts in the park. Pictured are seniors (from left) Mackenzie Wills, Casey Swick, Cheyenne Wells and Olivia Gonder. "Serve for a Cure" profits went entirely for the little girl's medical expenses. Ada raised $600 and LCC $400 for the special benefit. There was a t-shirt sale, bake sale, raffle, and just plain 'ole cash donations. Two other Team Amelia events are planned for Tuesday, Sept.

This is Bluffton's weekend for a fall festival

Last Saturday was Ada's fall event. This weekend it's Bluffton's turn.

FROM THE BLUFFTON ICON - The Bluffton community’s 12th annual Fall Festival, with many family-oriented activities, takes place throughout the community on Saturday, Sept. 26, according to Daren Lee of Mennonite Home Communities of Ohio, who coordinates the festival.
