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Ada's latest news

ONU students conduct ‘STEM Academy’ at Columbus Grove Elementary 

Ohio Northern University students conducted a STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) Academy at Columbus Grove Elementary School on Thursday, March 31.

After an opening presentation from Dr. Todd France, assistant professor of engineering education, each of the fourth-, fifth- and sixth-grade students participated in four different mini-workshops. Each grade-specific, 60-minute workshop was conducted by two ONU engineering students.

This month at the Ada Public Library

What's happening at the Ada Public Libary in April? Where should we begin Here's a daily listing of April events from the library's calendar.

April 5 11am Family Storytime 6pm Family Storytime 7pm Adult Book Group
April 6 3:30pm Pancake Pandemonium (6th-12th grades) 6:30pm Knit & Crochet
April 7 11am Sensory Science (18 mos.-5years)
April 8 3:30pm Wii Games

April 11 3:30pm Teen Board Games 6:00pm Coloring Club
April 12 11am Family Storytime 5:30pm-6:30pm Computer Basics with Max 6pm Family Storytime April 14 3:30pm LEGO-Palooza (all ages)
April 15 Library Closed. Staff Training.

This dog of the week is very special

Three-legged dog named Leo male 2-year-old St Bernard mix

To give a dog a forever home, contact the Hardin County dog shelter. It is located at 49 Jones Road on the west side of Kenton.

Hours: 9 am to 4 pm on Monday, Thursday, and Friday. Phone: 419-674-2209.
Generally, about 20 to 25 dogs are available for viewing.

Ever wonder how Ada's streets were named? Just ask Lee Crouse

By Lee Crouse
[email protected]

Ever wonder how Ada’s streets were named? Lee Crouse provides some answers.

Main Street was originally called Margaret Street in honor of the wife of the founder S.M. Johnson.

Johnson Street was named for S.M. Johnson himself.

Ream Street was named for Abraham Ream who laid out an addition in the south-east part of town.

Simon Street got its name from the Simon family prominent families in the early history of Ada.

Edwards Street in the north-east part of town for Billy Edwards.

Liberty Street was so named by S.M. Johnson.

During the E.A. VanAtta era

Recognize anyone? It's the Ada Exempted Village School Board of Education during the 1955-56 school year.

Here's how ONU teams fared last week and who they face this week

More information about all of Ohio Northern's 23 varsity athletic programs can be found on the web at

Last Week at Ohio Northern:
