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Joe D. Allen worked at Clark Equipment for 28 years

Joe D. Allen, 86, died on Tuesday, April 05, 2016 at 11:45 a.m. at his residence in McGuffey.

He was born on Jan. 28, 1930, in McGuffey, Ohio, to Eric and Martha (Basore) Allen who preceded him in death. On Feb. 19, 1955 he married Rose Lamb and she died on May 23, 2005.

Joe was a flame cutter at Clark Equipment Company from 1953 to 1981.   He later worked at Trinity Enterprises in Lima, Ohio from 1981 to 1982.   Joe was a U.S. Navy Veteran serving during the Korean War.   Joe was a member of the Victory Chapel of Praise Rural Alger, Ohio.   He was a member of the AMVETS Post #1994 of Kenton and a member of the McGuffey Conservation Club.

Betty Jarnagin 1926-2016

Betty L. Jarnagin, 90, died on Monday, April 4, 2016 at 2:25 p.m. at Hardin Hills Health Center, Kenton.

She was born on Jan. 1, 1926, in Green County, Tenn., to Orville and Verdie (Wallace) Bryant who preceded her in death. On Feb. 7, 1944, she married Porter Jarnagin and he died on Dec. 13, 1992.

Betty worked for United Technology of Kenton for 17 ½ years as an assembler.      She also worked at Rudolph Food Company of Westminster, Ohio for 3 years.  She was a member of the Wapakoneta Community Worship Center.    

Here are Junior High vocal music results from April 2 contest

Here are the Ada Junior High vocal music results from the April 2 solo and ensemble contest at Elida.

The following students received a I - Superior rating on their vocal solos
Josie Poling
Barrette Jones
Ethan Hull
Karissa Fox
Jacob Thaxton
Alex Morgan
Alyssa Wince
John Shrader
Rebecca MacDonald

The following students received a II - Excellent rating on their vocal solos
Kaylee Huffer
Kesewa Akyeampong
Grace Allison

Bluffton Circle K camera shows robbery in process - Tuesday AM

Bluffton police filed this report this morning to the Icon concerning a robbery at Circle K on Commerce Lane.

Police encourage anyone with information to contact police department at 419-358-2961.​

On Tuesday, April 5, at approximately 4:48 a.m., the Circle K store located on Commerce Lane in Bluffton, Hancock County, was robbed by a white male with a firearm. 

What's for lunch in Ada school cafeteria in April? Here's the menu

What's for lunch in the Ada school cafeteria in April?

The school menu is now on the Icon. Click here to access it.

Spring wellness challenge signup underway

Sign up is underway for the 2016 Spring Wellness Challenge according to OSU Extension Educator in Hardin County, Jami Dellifield.

It is a free six week on-line email challenge designed to help participants improve their health by encouraging physical activity, enjoying healthy foods, and practicing sound fitness suggestions.

Those who sign up will receive two weekly e-communications from Ohio State University Extension containing research based nutrition, health and fitness information.
