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They are drumming and singing at Miss Vicki's

Students in Miss Vicki's Music Studio of Ada singing and drumming to the Canoe Song from Around the World and At the Keyboard.

Here are the four Arbor Day art poster winners

Arbor Day's observation in Ada's third grade included announcing the art contest winners, who each received a book about trees. This is a personal project that Dave Retterer, Ada mayor, began several years ago.

Winners were:

First, Josh Arnett
Second, Aidra Preston
Third, Ty Mowery
Fourth, Ethan D'Souza

Ada third graders celebrate Arbor Day with village officials

By Monty Siekerman

Ada third graders would be winners of a "Jeopardy" show with the category "Trees." Angela Pokachek taught them well.

In recognition of National Arbor Day on Friday, members of the Ada tree commission asked the students several questions:

• Who founded National Arbor Day?
• When?
• Where?

The youngsters raised their hands before the questions were even completed. Their answers were correct.

Angela, assistant village administrator and a tree commission member, talked with the three third classes the day before about the special day and the value and care of trees.

RSVP now for Women's L.E.A.D tech workshop led by Amanda Raines

Ada resident Amanda Raines leads a "Women's L.E.A.D. tech workshop from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., Wednesday, May 18, in the Spark Lab of the Hardin County OSU Extension office.

The office is at 1021 W. Lima St., Suite 103, Kenton.

Persons attending will learn video production and editing using the Spark Lab's computers, video equipment and green screen. 

Those attending will learn how to produce and edit a short video for social media pages.

RSVP is required as space is limited to Women L.E.A.D. of the Hardin County Business and Chamber Alliance at: 419-673-4131 [email protected]

Eats on the Streets - Friday Night Food Truck Fest returns to Kenton

The Kenton Historic Courthouse District Committee (HCD), part of the Hardin County Chamber & Business Alliance, announces the return of the  Eats on the streets Friday Night Food Truck Fest, set for Friday, June 24, in downtown Kenton. 

The event will take place from 5 to 10 p.m. on Columbus and Main streets within the Kenton Historic Courthouse District. 

This years' event will include more food options, with 10 food trucks confirmed to-date, along with the vintage motorcycle displays, classic car show, live music, craft beer station, photo booth and the “Chairs for Hope” auction supporting Not by Choice Outreach. 

A chat with Gary Wells: "Great art motivates me"

Compiled by Darlene Bowers

Welcome to the Ada Icon’s “Ada Teacher Feature.” Here we share thoughts and insights from local teachers who lift up and inspire our students. Let us lift up and inspire these educators as well.

Today we meet Gary Wells, art teacher, whose advice is to “do what you love.”  Gary joins Steve Jobs, Maya Angelou, Ray Bradbury and a whole host of others proclaiming this same mantra as he works each day in the art room to support our students with motivation for success.

• Subjects and grades currently teaching.
High School art grades 8 - 12 and Ceramics 1, 2 and 3.
