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Ada's latest news

Clarification on Ada's Fourth of July concert story

Clarification to Icon's Ada council story of May 3. 

The second annual free Fourth of July Holiday Concert on Saturday, July 2, featuring the Lima Symphony Orchestra, will be held outdoors on the mall of Ohio Northern University as it was last year.  

It will be held inside the Field House at ONU only in the event of inclement weather.  The article about the event incorrectly stated that the concert would be held in the Field House and not outdoors.  

The article also incorrectly listed the date of the next Ada Village Council meeting as Tuesday, June 7.  It is Tuesday, May 17.  

ONU's 2016 pharmacy commencement ceremony Sunday

Ohio Northern University will celebrate its 132nd Raabe College of Pharmacy Commencement Ceremony in the Sports Center on Sunday, May 8, at 9 a.m.

To commemorate the event, Tom Kier, a 1982 ONU pharmacy graduate, will deliver the commencement address. Adam Smith, a graduating sixth-year pharmacy major from Dublin, Ohio, will deliver the student address.

Here’s the latest from Town and County 4-H Creators

By Carah Deardorff, News Reporter

The Town and Country Creators met for a regular meeting at St John’s Evangelical Church, Kenton on Monday May 2, 2016 at 6pm. Club President, Devry Moore, presided at the meeting. The American Pledge was led by Evan Tudor and the 4H Pledge was led by Carah Deardorff.

University student receives Newman Civic Fellows Award

Derek Price, a freshman political science major from Howell, N.J., was named a 2016 Newman Civic Fellow by Campus Compact. The Newman Civic Fellows Award honors undergraduate and graduate students who have taken action in pursuit of long-term social change and who engage and inspire others in their communities. The award is sponsored by the KPMG Foundation and by Newman’s Own Foundation.

University receives numerous awards, appointments at OPA Conference

Alumni and faculty from Ohio Northern University’s Raabe College of Pharmacy received four awards and several appointments during the 138th Ohio Pharmacists Association (OPA) Annual Conference and Trade Show in Columbus, Ohio, from April 15-17.

Foreigner passing through Ada

Say, that looks like a Burlington Northern-Santa Fe diesel passing the Ada railroad depot. The orange color scheme is becoming more and more common on local tracks.
