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Monty Siekerman: Some thoughts on Agnes Crates

By Monty Siekerman
You never had to tell Agnes Crates to smile for the camera because she was always smiling.


Agnes was a regular at ReStore Community Center where she was greeted by hugs and kisses by many meal-goers. And, she returned the love that was shown to her.

She'd remember your name, ask how you were doing, and was glad to see you. Until recently, she walked in on her own accord, maybe not as spry as a 20-something, but she'd make her way past the well-wishers, to a table where she barely had time to eat because of all those wanting to chat with her.

Agnes always smiled. Her smile was infectious. The room brightened up when Agnes was there.

One time, for the ReStore diners, she recited a long Christian poem from memory. She lived a Christian life.

Agnes loved kids and they loved her. When this Ada Icon reporter covered Grace Gospel Church VBS, Agnes was there. Kids would gravitate to her to show her the craft item they made or sing part of a Bible song, with the hand motions, that they had learned.

Agnes smiled. The youngsters did, too.

Agnes counted 75 children, grandchildren, step grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and great-great-grandchildren. She had a lot of practice being nice to kids. Plus, she herself was one of 10 children.

I remember her late son, Jim, when he was The Ada Herald editor many years ago. He had the community's interest at heart when he put the paper to bed each week. That's something the Ada Icon tries to do on a daily basis in this day and age of digital news.

Without a doubt, Agnes is in Heaven singing glorious songs in His presence. I'm sure God is smiling, too, for a life well lived.

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