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Biking Rotarians stop overnight in Ada for a good cause

By Monty Siekerman
Bicycle peddling Rotarians spent an overnight in Ada on Sunday after a 70-mile trek that day through part of northwest Ohio. Their goal: to raise $50,000.

Part of the group, pictured here, spent the night at Dick and Peggy Lawrence's home on West North Avenue. They included (from left) Bill and Kim Pepple of Bryan, Tim Broud of Toledo, and the Lawrences.

After the day-long ride on Sunday, the bicyclists were treated to a cookout at Gary Hull's home, then bedded down at the homes of various Rotarians.

On Monday, it was off to New Bremen for the group.

Not just any old balloon

There's something about water balloons that go with summer. Here are some Ada youth having fun in the Ada park. ReStore community center offers a free meal and fun at a shelter house at War Memorial Park from noon-1 p.m., Monday-Friday. (Monty Siekerman photo)

A benefit with all the trimmings - for Lisa

Kim Leugers (left) with Destiny Andreen hold tickets for the raffle that benefitted Lisa Lamaster on Sunday afternoon at Affinity Hall.

The benefit included a nail salon, five-minute massages, lunch, and Bingo. The event was organized and sponsored by Kim Leugers.

Lisa has been through a lot with heart and cancer operations the past couple of years. (Monty Siekerman)

What do you get when you cross a lawnmower with a bicycle?

By Monty Siekerman

What do you get when you cross a lawnmower with a bicycle?

You get the Rat Trap, as inventor Charles Clemons of Alger affectionately calls his contraption.

The bike/mower took two years to build. He finished the vehicle just in time for the Memorial Day parade in Alger this year.

The Rat Trap is  mower with a 20 horsepower Briggs & Stratton mower welded to a bicycle frame. It has dual exhaust, stereo and lights.

Mark Badertscher: "We could sure use a rain"

By Mark Badertscher
Hardin Extension Office

We could sure use a rain. 

Although it seems very dry, we are not too far off from where our precipitation normally is this time of year.  The difference was that we received it all in a short period of time and have not seem much rain since then in most areas. 

For the time period of May 1-May 31, Extension rainfall reporters recorded an average of 3.27 inches of rain in Hardin County. 

Last year, the average rainfall for the same time period was 3.70 inches.  Rainfall for May 1-May 31, 2016 is 0.62 inches less than the ten year average rainfall during the same dates. 

This bicycle built for two means "tandem talk time"

By Monty Siekerman
A bicycle built for two will probably get you from here to there with half the effort, but for Rob Alexander it also has another positive benefit.

Photo: Rob and his daughter Amelia riding along SR 81. The two were headed home on Monday after Amelia's volleyball camp practice at the school where she will be a sixth grader in the fall.

Rob, who heads the ONU political science department, calls the two-seater bike Tandem Talk Time.
