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Full Gospel Church VBS July 18-21

Ada Full Gospel Church holds its Vacation Bible School Monday to Thursday, July 18-21 at the church, 1047 State Route 235, Ada. The VBS theme is "Submerged."

The nightly VBS is from 6 to 9 p.m. Classes are available for youth age 3 through teens.

For more information please call: 419-634-6132 or visit us on the web:


Go Gators!

Ada swim team fans are in Bluffton today and Saturday watching the Western Ohio Aquatic League swim championships. Here's an Ada Gator supporter in the Ada swim tent. CLICK FOR A VIDEO.

Missionary couple to Indonesia speak at Grace Gospel Church

On Sunday, July 10, Grace Gospel Church will host Mario Indino, missionary to Indonesia through Grace Beyond Borders International (GBBI).

Mario and his wife, Ella, have served as missionaries since 1978 in Indonesia, Brazil, Philippines and Papua New Guinea. Mario gives lectures in theological seminaries, conducts seminars for laymen and pastors and organizes Bible conferences.

He is also involved in evangelism and church planting programs, while Ella works as a school principal in Indonesia (Christian Theological High School).

July 17 service at the park

Missionary couple to Indonesia speak at Grace Gospel Church

On Sunday, July 10, Grace Gospel Church will host Mario Indino, missionary to Indonesia through Grace Beyond Borders International (GBBI).

Mario and his wife, Ella, have served as missionaries since 1978 in Indonesia, Brazil, Philippines and Papua New Guinea. Mario gives lectures in theological seminaries, conducts seminars for laymen and pastors and organizes Bible conferences.

He is also involved in evangelism and church planting programs, while Ella works as a school principal in Indonesia (Christian Theological High School).

July 17 service at the park

It's a perfect week for summer youth tennis in Ada

The Ada Community Tennis Association will hold its 10th annual summer youth tennis program Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, July 13-15, according to Scott Wills. 

Registration forms are available at the Ada Pool, Ada Library and Liberty Bank.   Onsite registration will be provided on July 13 prior to the first session and e-mail and phone registrations will be accepted.  

The program is for youth ages 4 and up and no tennis experience is needed as the program is designed to introduce the game of tennis to participants

Returning program participants will be provided advanced level playing opportunities appropriate for their skill level.  

This is one large choir

This might well be the largest choir ever to perform on an Ada High School stage. The school year is 1980-81.

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