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Ada's latest news

Ada police investigating several car break-ins

The Ada Police Department Facebook posted the following message earlier this evening:

S.A.F.E.R. Alert (Seeking Aid From Every Resident): The Ada Police Department is actively investigating several car break-ins, especially in the very early morning hours. A subject has been observed recently, described as a stocky build, approximately 5'8", white male. 

Please remember to secure your vehicles and houses, and please call the Ada Police Department at 419-634-0010 to report any suspicious activity.

Please contact the Ada Police Department with any information related to these crimes.

Get your tickets now for Dancing with the Ada Stars on Sept. 10

Back by popular demand The Freed Center Biggs Theatre hosts "Dancing with the Ada Stars" at 7:30 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 10.

Performing are Ada locals:
• Jason Duff
• Amy Eddings
• Shane Tilton
• Kelly Kobiela
• Scott Henning
• Karen Kier
• Special guest: The ONU Dance Company

Based on the hit television show, watch these community members compet for the Mirror Ball Trophy. 

Tickets are $20 for adults, $15 for faculty and staff, $10 for seniors and $5 for students and children.

Purchase tickets online through The Freed Center website or call the Center box office at 418-772-1900.

The All Weather Gang puts on an exhibit at Elzay Gallery

Now showing at the Elzay Gallery on the ONU campus is “The All Weather Gang” painting exhibition. The gallery hours are from 1–4:30 p.m.


The All Weather Gang had its origins when Don Grideger and John Hodgins of Batavia, N.Y., used to meet at the Miss Batavia Diner each Saturday morning to drink coffee, indulge their passion for sticky cinnamon rolls, then head out for some place in Genesse or Wyoming counties to paint a landscape.

When they presented their first exhibition of landscape paintings, they humorously named themselves The Group of Two, hinting at the renowned Canadian artists known world-wide as “The Group of Seven.”

Welcome back to campus

First United Methodist Church provided a welcome back potluck for Ohio Northern University students following Sunday's worship service. Ken Collins captured some of the event on film.

Miss Vicki's Music Studio open house today!

Miss Vicki's Music Studio welcomes aspiring students of all ages to visit the studio  and learn more about how music can be a joyful part of your lives.

Offering classes for adults, youth, and young children - there is something for everyone. 

The open house is Tuesday, Aug. 30 from 6 - 8 p.m. at 2613 State Route 81. For more information, visit

Next PaintINN on Sept. 6 - reservations accepted now

The next PaintINN at The Inn at ONU is at 6 p.m., Tuesday, Sept. 6.

It's a great opportunity to get involved in fall activities. Bring your friends for a great evening. All food, a beverage and art supplies are includes.

For reservations, please call 419-772-2500.
