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Historical Ada

Can you name the group and school year?

It's the 1977-78 Ada High School pep band. What instrument did you play?

63 years later - here's bird's-eye view of our community

How much has Ada changed in 63 years?

Here's why a photograph is worth a thousand words. We invite you to study this bird's-eye view of Ada taken in 1953 and published in the souvenir program of th Ada centennial.

Fifteen buildings are identified on this aerial map and their legend to the 15 is on the map's bottom.

Can you find your house from here?

Once upon a time in Ada: Did you know there was an Ada community band in 1880?

Once upon a time in Ada
Things you didn’t know about your own hometown
By Lee Crouse
[email protected]

In1880 the Ada Community band was organized. Among members of the first band were “Squire” Lantz, Chris Young, Henry Young, William Young, M.V. Gilbert, Ed. Gilbert, Wesley Gilbert, Lem Linderman and George Loudenslager. The band celebrated their 55th anniversary in 1935.

Do you still have your prom dress?

Here's a photo of some of the attendees of the 1999 Ada High School prom.

Do you still have your prom dress?

Lee Crouse tells us that 1890 was a good year to live in Ada

Things you didn’t know about your own hometown
By Lee Crouse
[email protected]

January 1890 Articles of incorporation for the Ada Tri-County Fair Company have been filed and stock books will probably be opened soon. The capital stock will be $10,000 divided into 100 shares.

February 25, 1890, the ONU military contest was inaugurated that was to become of great importance in the development of the school.

Early 1890s the Ada Water, Heat, Light & Power Company was granted a franchise for furnishing hot and cold water to Ada.

Ada HS class officers - class of 2001

Here are the Ada High School senior class officers during the 2000-2001 school year. They are Jenise Smalley, president, Chris Poling, vice-president, Elisa Lenssen, secretary and Bill Putt, treasurer.
