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Historical Ada

You know someone in this photo

You certainly recognized some of the members of this talented group. It's the 1985-86 version of the Ada High School Varsity Singers.

During the E.A. VanAtta era

Recognize anyone? It's the Ada Exempted Village School Board of Education during the 1955-56 school year.

It was the 1970-71 school year

Here's the Ada High School "office girls" from 45 school years ago. Do you recognize anyone in this photo?

Once upon a time in Ada: See who was in charge of the F & M Picnic 43 years ago

20 school years and counting

Here's Ada High School senior awards banquet winners during the 1995-96 school year.

Wait, don't tell me

Here is the Ada High School student council during the 1993-94 school year - 22 school years ago. Tell us if you are in this photo.
