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Historical Ada

Is your grandfather in this Rotary Club photo?

Is your grandfather in this photo, or someone you knew as you were growing up in Ada?

Here are members of the Ada Rotary Club taken in 1953. There are many familiar  Ada names, including Hindall, Cole, Gibbon, Crouse, Klingler, Bischoff, Arbogast and many others.

Here's some Ada driving laws from 1915 for your consideration

“No vehicle shall emerge from a garage, stable or private drive faster than a walk, or six miles per hour."

Once upon a time in Ada
Things you didn’t know about your own hometown
By Lee Crouse

[email protected]

1953 Ada

Here's a classic American scene from 1953. It's Long's Marathan, 220 S. Main St., Ada. It offered B.F. Goodrich Tires, AAA Service and of course, Marathon gas.

Staff include Ray Long, Ray McClure, Wayne Kimble, Robert Hooper, Robert Shields, Robert Swager, James Micheli, Harold Musser and Jim Barton.

That looks like a 1952 Nash Rambler getting its tank filled. And, that classic car on the left could be a 1949 or 1950 Packard. The Long's Marathon service vehicle appears to be a 1950 or 1951 Chevrolet pickup.

Other observations from Icon viewers are encouraged.

Once upon a time in Ada: Was your great-grandmother in the “Zetetic” club?

In 1915 women in the southwest part of Ada organized this club

Once upon a time in Ada
Things you didn’t know about your own hometown
By Lee Crouse
[email protected]

May 1915 - Ohio Northern University entered the Ohio conference. Other schools were Denison, Ohio University, Otterbein, Western Reserve, Miami, Cincinnati, Oberlin, Kenyon, Case, Wooster, Wittenberg, Wesleyan and Antioch.

June 1915 the “Zetetic” club is the name of a new literary club organized among women in the southwest part of town.

This was Main Street Ada - 1953

Check out that beautiful new Buick parked on the left side of this 1953 Ada Main Street photo.

Looking north from the Pennsylvania Railroad track (double tracks at the time) there's morelots to see.

There's a Pure gas station, Harry Tousley Insurance (with a clock on Main Street), J.M. Mertz Hardware, a soda fountain, and yes, that's the steeple of the Methodist Church (not yet United Methodist).

Don't missing the charming lights along Main Street. What else do you see? Send your observations to: [email protected].


This photo is worth more than one thousand words

If a photo is worth one thousand words, this one easily lives up to the reputation of that phrase.

It's the Ada Farmers and Merchants Picnic board of directors. The year is 1953, a centennial year for the Village of Ada. Thus the interesting beards.

Identification of members is on the photo. Who do you recognize?
