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Take the Crusin' with Klondike quiz

Are you well versed in facts about ONU? Take a video cruise and quiz with Klondike on Facebook. Question #1: How old is Ohio Northern University? (The questions do get more difficult.)

Waste not, want not

By Karen Kier, Pharmacist on behalf of the ONU HealthWise team

The idiom “waste not, want not” can be interpreted as if you use something wisely or completely, then you will be less likely to find yourself in need of anything. There are many theories as to the origin of this phrase, but some believe it has been around since the late 1700s. I was accustomed to hearing this idiom from my parents and grandparents. My parents were born during the depression and my grandparents lived through these hard times. My maternal grandma truly wasted nothing and she taught me how to get the most out of just about everything. So, you might wonder why I am writing about waste and want? Well, I learned something new about SARS-CoV-2 this week that has me intrigued.  

March 17 School Board summary

The 5:00 p.m. March 17 meeting of the Ada Exempted Village Schools Board of Education meeting and planning session included the following items as provided in the packet from treasurer Kim Light.

Approval of minutes of the meeting held on February 17.

Treasurer’s Report including the balance of funds, monthly check register, investment schedule, monthly bank reconciliation, workers’ compensation group rating program, and resolution to accept amounts and rates as determined by the budget commission.

The public copy of the minutes and treasurer’s report are attached to this article.


March weather report, severe weather reminder

With a high temperature of 73 and a low of 14, the first three weeks of March weather, as observed by Guy Verhoff in Pandora, show how variable the season can be. 

The Ohio Emergency Management Agency agency reminds us that it is Ohio Severe Weather Awareness and Preparedness Week. Know where to go if a Tornado Watch escalates to a Tornado Warning. Safe rooms and storm shelters save lives.

Talk to you family members today to make sure everyone is prepared for severe weather.

Ohio House Speaker and "double bear" visits ONU

Reported by

Ohio Northern University political science students received some sound career advice from a “Double Bear” graduate whose career has spanned the political, judicial and teaching realms. Ohio House of Representatives Speaker Robert R. “Bob” Cupp, who has served as a county commissioner, state senator, state court of appeals judge, Ohio Supreme Court justice, city prosecutor, chief legal counsel to the Ohio auditor, and visiting professor at ONU, told students to be assertive when it comes to their own job aspirations.

Feature photo: Crusin' with Klondike quiz

Are you well versed in facts about ONU? Take a video cruise and quiz with Klondike on Facebook. Question #1: How old is Ohio Northern University? (The questions do get more difficult.)
