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Public Meetings

Summary of July 19 Ada Council meeting

The regular Ada Council meeting of July 19 was held to conduct village business including the approval of minutes of the prior meeting and payment of bills.

Councilor Linda Mason was absent—and excused by the council. The next meeting will be rescheduled for August 9 because Mason and councilor Sheila Coressel will be working the polls on August 2. Add another expected absence and the original date would not have had the necessary number to conduct the meeting.

A single resolution was passed giving the mayor authorization to enter an engineering agreement for water meter replacement.

July 19 Council Meeting agenda

Water meter agreement, officers promoted, request for tree damage compensation

The Village Of Ada Council will hold a regular meeting at 6:30 p.m. on July 19, 2022 at the Ada Municipal Building, 115 W. Buckeye. The meeting may be attended virtually via a Zoom link.

The meeting agenda is available on the village website HERE. The packet includes 

Ada Board of Ed meeting and public hearing on July 21


The Ada Exempted Village Schools, 725 West North Avenue, have announced the July Board Of Education Meeting and public hearing for 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, July 21, 2022.

The public hearing is regarding the use of IDEA Part B funds for the 2022-2023 school year.

Board Members are:

Dr. Amy Mullins, President

Matt Gossman

Ronald Fleming

Steve Ramey

Ted Griffith

Additional information on the board is available at

June Board of Education meeting summary

New hires, donations, vote on contracts 

The July 29 meeting of the Board of Education of the Ada Exempted Village Schools began with an Executive session to consider employment and bargaining. Present at the meeting were board members Ted Griffith, Ron Fleming, Steve Ramey and board president Dr. Amy Mullins. Matt Gossman was absent.

Dr. Dan Lee, High School and Middle School Principal, reported on:

Agenda for July 5 council meeting

The Village of Ada counci meets tonight, July 5, at 6:30 p.m. at the Municipal Building, 115 W. Buckeye Ave.

To join remotely by Zoom, use this LINK.

The meeting agenda is attached. A complete packet is available on the village website HERE, which includes:

  • Agenda
  • Future meeting dates
  • Minutes to be approved from June 21
  • Claims register
  • Council memo regarding transfer of property located in the Grass Run Industrial Park to the Ada Community Improvement Corporation (CIC)
  • Village of Ada investment policy

June 27 Apollo board of education agenda

The Apollo Career Center June board of education meeting will take place at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, June 27. The meeting will be held in Apollo's Board room.

The meeting agenda is attached.
