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Public Meetings

Summary of August 1 Ada Council meeting

New police officers introduced, stray cat behavior discussed

By Paula Scott

With no legislation or ordinances on the agenda, the August 1 regular meeting of the Ada Council was relatively brief; Councilors Oestreich and Coressel were absent and legal counsel Jane Napier attended via Zoom.

The meeting was conducted by Mayor Dave Retterer and began with unanimous support for paying of Village bills as presented. Details are in the attached packet.

Summary of July 27 Ada School Board meeting

Board approves free admission for Ada students to sporting events

By Paula Scott

The July 27 meeting of the Ada School Board was only 27 minutes long “as the crow flies.” That’s minus the 42-minute closed door executive session that occurred at the beginning of the meeting. All board members–Ron Fleming,Matt Gossman, Ted Griffith, Steve Ramey and Amy Mullins–were present.

Visitor Marty Rothey, Ohio School Board Association Northwest Region Manager, presented Ron Fleming with a 30-year Veteran School Board member certificate.

Agenda for Ada Board of Education July 27 meeting

The Ada Exempted Village School will hold a Board of Education meeting with the attached agenda at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, July 27, in the boardroom at 725 W. North Ave.

The meeting will include two public hearings:

Summary of July 18 Ada Council meeting

By Paula Scott

All members of the Village Council were present for the July 18 regular meeting at the Ada municipal building. As might be expected on a beautiful July evening, in-person attendance beyond the mayor, who conducts the meeting and staff members was light: it consisted of reporters from the Icon and Kenton Times.

A 68-page packet for the meeting is HERE.

During reviews of claims registers for $ 138,059.23 and (payroll) $ 91,269.50, there was brief discussion regarding cable repairs at the railroad track ($700) and a Bowling Green source for police cruiser tires.

Public notice of Apollo superintendent retire-rehire

July 18, 2023 


The Apollo Career Center Board of Education hereby gives public notice that Keith Horner, currently employed by the Apollo Career Center Board of Education as the superintendent, is retiring and seeking re-employment with the district in the  same position. The Board of Education proposes to re-employ Mr. Horner at its  regular meeting on Monday September 25, 2023. 

Agenda for July 18 Village Council meeting

The Village of Ada Council will hold a regular meeting at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, July 18 in council chambers at the Ada Municipal Building, 115 W. Buckeye Ave.

The preminiary agenda includes the following:

Agreement regarding terms of employment negotiated for the Patrol Officer Bargaining Unit, by emergency

New Business
F&M Picnic Lions Club Pool Free Day Swim

Police Chief’s Report: Alec Cooper
Request to hire Connor Frazier as a part-time police officer, request to sell unused and older police department equipment, signing bonus request.

Upcoming Meetings and Events

July 17 - Ada-Liberty Ambulance Dist. - 5:30 p.m., 530 N. Gilbert St

July 18 - Regular Council Meeting - 6:30 p.m., Municipal Building 

July 21 - Tree Commission Mtg - 12:00 p.m.,  Municipal Building 

Aug. 1 - Regular Council Meeting - 6:30 p.m., Municipal Building 

Aug. 12 - Last day of operation at Ada Pool

Aug. 12 - Farmers & Merchant Picnic War Memorial Park 

Aug. 15 - Regular Council Meeting - 6:30 p.m., Municipal Building 

Aug. 18 - Tree Commission - 12:00 p.m., Municipal Building 

Aug. 21 - Ada-Liberty Ambulance Dist. - 5:30 p.m., 530 N. Gilbert St.

Aug. 26 - Made in Ada Wilson Football Festival - 5:00 p.m. Depot Park

Sept. 4 - Labor Day-Village Office Closed 

Sept. 5 - Regular Council Meeting - 6:30 p.m., Municipal Building 

Sept. 15 - Tree Commission - 12:00 p.m., Municipal Building 

Sept. 16 - Harvest & Herb Festival - 9:00 a.m., downtown Ada

Sept. 18 - Ada-Liberty Ambulance Dist. - 5:30 p.m., 530 N. Gilbert St., 

Sept. 19 - Regular Council Meeting - 6:30 p.m.,  Municipal Building
